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[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution


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Thanks a lot for the program Boooggy!

I wanted to know, can you list the 'tweaks' or changes done to the Vanilla version to change it to the Tweaked version?

these registry changes where are they controlled from? an ini?

I'm interested in having more or less a vanilla installation with wga but implement 1 or 2 registry changes.


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On my system I get this error:

Epsilon.IO.Archival+ArchiveProcessException: An error occurred while extracting files from "System.Byte[]" ---> System.IO.IOException: Proces nemůže přistupovat k souboru (process cannot access the file) D:\WXPSP2\i386\wmp11temp\hotfixExtractTemp1833872282\i386\msdelta.dll, protože soubor je využíván jiným procesem (because it is used by another process).
v System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
v System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
v System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize)
v System.IO.File.OpenFile(String path, FileAccess access, SafeFileHandle& handle)
v System.IO.File.SetCreationTimeUtc(String path, DateTime creationTimeUtc)
v System.IO.File.SetCreationTime(String path, DateTime creationTime)
v Epsilon.IO.Compression.CabDecompressor.decompInstance_NotifyCloseFile(Object sender, NotifyEventArgs e)
v Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.OnNotifyCloseFile(NotifyEventArgs e)
v Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.NotifyCallback(FdiNotificationType fdint, FdiNotification fdin)
v Mischel.CabDotNet.CabSdk.FdiCopy(IntPtr hfdi, String cabinetName, String cabinetPath, Int32 flags, FdiNotifyDelegate fnNotify, FdiDecryptDelegate fnDecrypt, IntPtr userData)
v Mischel.CabDotNet.CabSdk.FdiCopy(IntPtr hfdi, String cabinetName, String cabinetPath, FdiNotifyDelegate fnNotify, FdiDecryptDelegate fnDecrypt, Object userData)
v Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.ExtractFiles(String cabinetFullPath)
v Epsilon.IO.Compression.CabDecompressor.ExtractFiles(String destFolder)
v Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetExtract(Byte[] data, String destinationFolder)
--- Konec trasování zásobníku pro vnitřní výjimku ---
v Epsilon.IO.Archival.throwArchiveException(String archiveName, ArchiveProcessOperation opType, Exception innerException)
v Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetExtract(Byte[] data, String destinationFolder)
v WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.NativeExtractHotfix(String hotfixInstaller, String destinationPath)
v WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.ExtractWMP11Installer()
v WMP11Slipstreamer.MainGUI.workerMethod(Object addonSettings)

Deleting "D:\WXPSP2\i386\wmp11temp"... Done!

The source being modified has not been damaged.
All changes have been successfully reverted.

Every time I run the integrator, the name of unaccessible file changes. It seems like slipstreamer is giving up too early before my antivirus (avast) or firewall (comodo) finish processing the file.

Ok, in VM (without firewall and antivirus) I don't get this, but instead slipstreamer crashes when integrating windowsmedia11-kb928788-x86-intl, without it, it finishes successfully.

Edited by LordWarlock
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WMP11Slipstreamer v0.96

Epsilon.IO.Archival+ArchiveProcessException: An error occurred while creating "G:\Temp\XP32Bits\i386\wmp11temp\extracted\audiodev.dl_" ---> System.ApplicationException: AddFile failed with error code None.
at Mischel.CabDotNet.CmpRoutine.throwException(String methodName)
at Mischel.CabDotNet.CmpRoutine.AddFile(String filename, String nameInCab, Boolean execOnDecompress, Int16 compressType)
at Epsilon.IO.Compression.CabCompressor.CompressFiles(String[] fileList, CabCompressionLevel compressionLevel)
at Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetMakeCab(String fullFilename, String destinationFolder)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Epsilon.IO.Archival.throwArchiveException(String archiveName, ArchiveProcessOperation opType, Exception innerException)
at Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetMakeCab(String fullFilename, String destinationFolder)
at WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.RenameAndCompressArchFile(String sourceName, String destinationName, TargetArchitecture architecture, Boolean compress, String destinationFolder)
at WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.CompressFiles()
at WMP11Slipstreamer.MainGUI.workerMethod(Object addonSettings)

Deleting "G:\Temp\XP32Bits\i386\wmp11temp"... Done!

The source being modified has not been damaged.
All changes have been successfully reverted.

I got this error when trying... Then I read LordWarlock reply about disabling anti virus program and then no problems... Maybe stated on your web page to disable anti virus program :)

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version 0.98 is out....... :) ......after a long time......


1. Rewritten hotfix apply routine with limited support for conditional hotfix commands.

2. Enhanced error message to show source type and list of hotfixes.

3. Rewritten argument parser for slight performance improvement.

4. No more repeating winntdirectories even when integrating on same source over and over

5. INFS fixed for x64 and cleaned for the rest.

please check the site for new hotfixes and new info

Edited by boooggy
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yes all updates are the newest that installs on wmp 11 with the last version. anyhow xpx32 version of 929399 is also listed on the microsoft kb article.....

here is the direct link: 929399

Edited by boooggy
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