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How To: Create and Rename Network Drives

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If you want to automatically add and rename a network drive do the following:

Open Up notepad, then copy and paste the following:

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.DriveExists("T:\") Then
set renameShell = createObject("shell.application")
mappedDrive = "T:\"
renameShell.nameSpace(mappedDrive).self.name = "DriveName"
End If

Make chages to reflect your drive letter and drive name

Save it as Rename.vbs

What this script does is checks to see if the T drive exists. If it does it renames it to DriveName. If it doesn't exist then it does nothing.

Open Up notepad again, then copy and paste the following:

net use T: \\Tango\D /user:USERNAME PASSWORD

Again make changes to Drive letter, Computer name, computer share, username and password, and path to where you placed Rename.vbs

Save it as Network.cmd

This will Create a T drive from computer Tango sharing a drive (or folder) called D. Username and password are for users that have access to that share. Then it runs the vbs script that we created above to rename the Drive.

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