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Setup cannot copy the file: plugin.ocx

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Hi all,

I have created an unattended Windows XP Home CD. I used the beginners tutorial on your site(wicked by the way!)

Everything went fine as far as i can see. I followed everything fine!

But when i come to use by CD it boots from CD fine and the installation starts unattended as expected, i choose the partitions and format type then the process starts. Formats fine but then when copying files i get an error

Windows XP Home Setup


Setup cannot copy the file: plugin.ocx

  • to retry press enter

If you are installing from a CD , make sure the WIndows XP CD is in the CD Rom drive.

  • To skip this file, press ESC

Caution: If you choose to skip this file, setup may not complete and windows XP may not work properly.

  • To quit Setup press F3

I have had these kind of errors before but this was usually memory/motherboard or Hard drive.

But saying that when i have had hardware errors the file that cannot be copied changes (intermitant)

No matter how many times i try and on different computers(so dont belive its a hardware issue) it says the problem fle is Plugin.ocx

Any ideas?


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I know this is an old topic, but I am getting this error also.

Me too!

I have a Multiboot DVD made using the Flyakite method.

I altered it yesterday to use the RyanVM Update (2.1.9) and the WMP10 addon (3.1a??).

To do this I took my \SETUP\OS\XP\Pro\SP2 directory (which is Windows XP with SP2 slipstreamed in) and copied it to \SETUP\OS\XP\Pro\SPV. Then I ran the Integrator against this new directory. Finally I created PRUV.DAT and \PRUV from the corresponding SP2 variants and patched as necessary.

Booting gets me the message mentioned above. I checked and PLUGIN.OCX is indeed missing from the ...\SPV tree but it is present in the ...\SP2 tree.

I would be asking this over in Ryan's forum but my registration isn't there yet and I saw this first!

Thanks for any insights

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The reason Ryan was asking weather you guys were using his update pack is because plugin.ocx is removed during intergration.

I believe this is because one of the IE hotfixes removes it as well. It is normal behavior to see an error in the setuperr.log regarding this issue. It is rather puzzling, however, that setup fails to continue because of it.

My suggestion would be to start over with a fresh source since it looks like you have a bodged integration.

Good luck.

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The reason Ryan was asking weather you guys were using his update pack is because plugin.ocx is removed during intergration.

I believe this is because one of the IE hotfixes removes it as well. It is normal behavior to see an error in the setuperr.log regarding this issue. It is rather puzzling, however, that setup fails to continue because of it.

My suggestion would be to start over with a fresh source since it looks like you have a bodged integration.

Good luck.

I've solved my problem - at least partially. As I've got a multiboot DVD, I have a txtsetup.sif in \PRUV as well as in \SETUP\XP\Pro\SPV. The integrator carefully pruned the latter but didn't know about the former (and nor should it, I guess). I knocked out plugin.ocx from the other txtsetup.sif (and also knocked out sp2.cab, which is the next and final thing it trips over) and my install now appears to complete.

However, it completes suspiciously quickly (although I've only tried it once and not timed it) and at the end it complains that framedyn.dll and srclient.dll are not around. On top of that there seems to be no Internet Explorer around ....

I think I need to fiddle a little more.

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I've solved my problem - at least partially.

Now I think I've solved it fully.

I copied the txtsetup.sif from \SETUP\XP\PRO\SPV (the one produced by Ryan's Integrator) and dropped it into \PRUV (overwriting the other one). Then I performed the required mangling of SetupSourcePath and ... bingo ... I now have a working installation (working == no error messages!) and Internet Explorer not only exists but can talk to the net.

I guess I need to try a Windows Update at some stage to verify that the system is all patched up, but otherwise things are looking good!

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I guess I need to try a Windows Update at some stage to verify that the system is all patched up, but otherwise things are looking good!

I've remembered how to replace the installation key with a real one (!) and it looks like the Update pack has been successful - everything is indeed up to date (except KB892130, WGA Notifications and IE7, which is what I was expecting). Cool!

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One suggestion.

After performing any kind of integration it is good practice to create a new boot dir from it. This way you rule out any errors. This particularly important if you integrate text mode mass storage drivers.

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