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Changing source path during textmode

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I am trying to install Windows on a computer with no removable storage available. I would like to start the install using the CD-Boot method on another computer and move the hard drive after the text mode portion of setup. I know that I can copy the I386 folder using the $OEM$ folder but how can I make sure that the GUI portion of the setup knows where the source files are?

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try using /syspart command

from a normal windows PC , attach the new hard disk that needs to have a system installed , and run this

"%WindowsSourceFiles%\I386\winnt32 /syspart:F /unattend:Unattend.txt

Where F is ur first parition on the new harddisk ,, and unattend.txt is ur unattended answer file ..

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Thanks. The only thing this method doesn't do is partition and format the new drive, but I can live with that. Now I just have to figure out what needs to be changed in my winnt.sif to be a valid unattend.txt.

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I know that I can copy the I386 folder using the $OEM$ folder but how can I make sure that the GUI portion of the setup knows where the source files are?

First step: Partition new (target) drive. Use 3d-party partition tool or MS Diskpart&format tool.

Sample diskpart CMD

@echo off
title One part disk preparing
echo starting disk partitioning... > log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
diskpart.exe /s partone.txt >> log.txt
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
echo. >> log.txt
echo formating... >> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
format F: /fs:ntfs /v:System /q /y >> log.txt
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
echo. >> log.txt
echo end formating process... >> log.txt
goto end

type log.txt


Sample diskpart script:

select disk=1
rem clean
create partition primary
assign letter=F

For more info, see help.

Step two. Prepare target disk with syspar key winnt32:

My syspart bat (work sample)

@rem SetupMgrTag
@echo off

set AnswerFile=..\Script\fullauto.txt
set SetupFiles=..\i386
set TempDisk=F:
set DestDisk=F:

start /wait %SetupFiles%\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /syspart:%DestDisk% /tempdrive:%TempDisk% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copydir:I386 /noreboot

/copydir:I386 - after install I386 source folder put in %SystemRoot% (Like Windows) folder.

Replace after install source pach:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "SourcePath" /t REG_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%" /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "ServicePackSourcePath" /t REG_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%" /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "CDInstall" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f" /f

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I have successfully installed Windows but now my hard drive is labeled E: Is the drive "remembering" what is was on the origional PC or there something telling setup to use this drive as E:?

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