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Problems multi-booting Knoppix...


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Hi guys. I am trying to multi-boot knoppix and vista. I would like knoppix to boot from this exact command from my boot menu:

if $lastKey == key[9]; then bcdw boot /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin

. From what I hear it works with CDSHELL, but I can't get it to work. CD shell says:

Error: Unknown Command

[Command:bcdw] [Line: 72.2] [File:cdshell.ini]

. It says this after I compile my ISO image with this cdimage.exe. I am using VMWare to test as I can't afford to burn a DVD-DL every time. I've been using vmware for over 5 years, so I'm aware of it's problems and incompatabilities. Thanks guys. Can anyone shed some light on this ubject for me please. I've googled for info, but can't find any. Thanks.

Qz :huh:

Edited by qzmicro
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Alright guys, got it to work alone, but when I use the -j1 attribute for cdimage.exe it kills my windows OSes. Is there a way to dual boot windows and knoppix? Has anyone done it succesfully?! Thanks.


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Hi qzmicro,

Yes it works. Do a search in the forums. Don't know exactly where I found the answer myself, but it's in the forum somewhere. Sorry I can't do better than that.

Here's a copy of my cdshell.ini file for your reference:

print "\n"
print "Press Enter to boot from DVD... \n"
getkey 15 boot 0x80
if $lastKey == key[enter]; then goto time
# When no key found...
goto boot

# Function to display time of day
set hour = $timeHour
set ampm = "am"
if $timeHour > 12; then set hour = $timeHour - 12
if $timeHour > 12; then set ampm = "pm"
set time = "$hour:$timeMinute $ampm"

# Function to display date
set month = "n/a"
if $dateMonth == 1; then set month = "Jan."
if $dateMonth == 2; then set month = "Feb."
if $dateMonth == 3; then set month = "Mar."
if $dateMonth == 4; then set month = "Apr."
if $dateMonth == 5; then set month = "May."
if $dateMonth == 6; then set month = "Jun."
if $dateMonth == 7; then set month = "Jul."
if $dateMonth == 8; then set month = "Aug."
if $dateMonth == 9; then set month = "Sep."
if $dateMonth == 10; then set month = "Oct."
if $dateMonth == 11; then set month = "Nov."
if $dateMonth == 12; then set month = "Dec."
set date = "$month $dateDay, $dateYear"

# Printing the Interface
set textColor= color[brightblue on black]
set boldColor= color[red on black]
print c "\cXX<\c0B$time ÄÄÄÄ $date\cXX> \n\n"
print c "\cXXMy \cXXMulti-Boot\cxx DVD v1.7\n\n"
print l "\cXXPress \c0BF1 \cxxfor Help \n\n"
print "\n"
print "1) Windows XP Professional SP1 Corporate \n"
print "2) Windows 2000 \n"
print "3) Windows 98 SE \n"
print "4) Bart's PE \n"
print "5) Knoppix \n"
print "\n"
print "S) Serials \n"
print "Q) Quit to Command Prompt \n"
print "R) Reboot \n"
print "ESC) Boot 1st Harddisk \n"
print c "\n"

getkey 20 boot 0x80
if $lastKey == key[1]; then chain /PRO1.DAT
if $lastKey == key[2]; then chain /2PRO.DAT
if $lastKey == key[3]; then memdisk /98SE.IMA
if $lastKey == key[4]; then chain /BPE1.DAT
if $lastKey == key[5]; then memdisk /4320.IMA
if $lastKey == key[s]; then goto SerialNumbers
if $lastKey == key[q]; then end
if $lastKey == key[r]; then reboot
if $lastKey == key[F1]; then goto Help
if $lastKey == key[esc]; then boot 0x80
goto menu

print c "\n\cXXSerial Numbers\n"
print "\n"
print " ********** Windows 98 ------- \c0Bxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx\cxx********** \n"
print "\n"
print " ********** Windows 2000 Pro - \c0Bxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx\cxx********** \n"
print "\n"
print " ********** Windows XP Pro --- \c0Bxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx\cxx********** \n"
print "\n"
print c "\n\n"
print c"\c0BPress any key to return to main menu... \n"
goto menu

print c "\n\c0BMulti-Boot DVD - Main Menu\cxx Help \n"
print "Pressing the \cXXKEY\cxx of your choice in the main menu will \cXXinitiate\cxx: \n"
print "Key = \cXX1\cxx - \c0BWindows 98\cxx or\cxx \n"
print "Key = \cXX2\cxx - \c0BWindows 2000\cxx or\cxx \n"
print "Key = \cXX3\cxx - \c0BWindows XP Pro \n"
print " \cXXOperating System setup with the normal prompts.\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print "Key = \cXX4\cxx - \c0BBart's PE\cxx - \CXXA Pre-installed XP OS with many utilities\cxx \n"
print "\cXX that is run entirely from the DVD.\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print "Key = \cXX5\cxx - \c0BKnoppix\cxx - \cXXA Linux distribution that can be run entirely\cxx \n"
print "\cXX from the DVD or installed to the HDD.\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print "Key = \cXXS\cxx - \c0BSERIAL NUMBERS \cxx - \cXXFor the listed Operating Systems\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print "Key = \cXXQ\cxx - \c0BCOMMAND PROMPT\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print "Key = \cXXESC\cxx - \c0BREBOOT\cxx \cXXto the system HDD\cxx \n"
print "\n"
print c"\c0BPress any key to return to main menu...\cxx \n"
goto menu

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