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Supreme Commander AKA Total Annihilation 2! :w00t:

Earth 2160 doesn't look too bad either.

HL2: Lost Coast better not have a lame ending like HL2 does. :boring:

Interested in the series coming up on Steam, although not sure about having to pay for each 6 hours worth of gaming...guess depends on the price.

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I would really like to see anothe Mechwarrior or Mechcommander come out. If another Mechwarrior comes out, I hope they follow the actual game unlike what they did in MW4. I came from playing the actual game and still Game master now and then for Battletech. I do not like how they did the weapons in MW4. I still have a ME box in the corner just to play MW3 to this day. That is all it does is play MW3.... I need a life.... lol :rolleyes:

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