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Windows server 2003

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hola tengo windows server 2003 con SQL 2000 instalado en un servidor de dos procesadores lo instale y funciona bien pero de repente el windows se apaga normal, aparece la pantalla de windows se esta apagando y luego se apaga por completo no se resetea, instale el antivirus Mcafee 8.0i + Anty Spyware 8.0 actualize el windows trate de buscar con stinger.exe y otros programas algun virus o variante pero nada, lo curiozo es que no me da ningun mensage de error ni en el visor de eventos solo el decide apagarce de repente he notado que si yo estoy trabajando en el servidor con la base de datos en SQL el no se apaga, solo si dejo de teclear o mover el mouse por un momento el comienza a apagarce el servidor normalmente y se apaga por completo

no se que mas hacer creo que puede ser dos cosas que el windows server 2003 tenga algun comflicto o talvez algo en el hardware memoria tengo 2 gbs de memoria con 2 discos SATA de 200gbs C/U. el servidor tiene dos procesadores de 3.0 ghz

porfavor necesito ayuda

Carlos Guerra


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bienvenido ante todo,

lo primero es decir q los mensajes del foro se escriben siempre en ingles asi q a partir d ahora hazlo asi.

primero empezaria actualizando a SP1 y si eso no resuelve el problema empezaria por desconectar hardware, tal vez 1 problema con la memoria o con el disco duro.

he's running windows server 2003 with sql 2000, he suffers spontaneous shutdowns.

he tried Mcafee 8.0i AV, Anty Spyware 8.0 and stinger without results.

maybe it can be a problem of hardare, faulting memory sticks or sata HDDs. the server is also running with two 3ghz processors

Edited by SiMoNsAyS
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spontaneous downloads

what exactly do u...does he... mean by that?

is it a domain server or is it just a standalone machine? (really dont see why people use 2003 as a desktop OS - i bet the software aint legal in that case)

i dont know how forgiving 2003 is on a custom built system - if it is indeed a custom built one. I've only ever used proper purose-built server machines for NT/server 200x

There's a few questions to translate back hehe ;)



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hahaha! ****! my mistake :blushing:

i was browsing other site so i got confused. he wanted to mean that he suffered spontaneous restarts/shutdowns...

he said "the server has 2 3ghz processors" so i suppose he is not using the OS as a desktop system.

b/c of his setup i suppose is a built-in pc but is not something i'm sure about lol

@lapradera, configuraste tu mismo el pc? quizas halla algun problema de hardware... confirma q es un error d software :)

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ahhhhh....that makes more sense hehe ;)

if its a "proper" server and not a custom one, then it may be something software based - unless the HD thats been used appears ok but actually has faults on it, or the ram is some horrible cheap unbranded rubbish which has been added to the existing ram that came with the system.

Actually, they would apply to any system so you could mention this... as I'd say that would be sure-reasons to cause that sort of problem.

Has some peice of software been added/installed on it, that isnt comptible with 2003 (i imagine that this could be quite likely)?

Has he installed the SP1 for Server 2003?

Is the system overheating? Has he got some sort of diagnostic software or can he see if a fan isn't spinning?

....*pants*....outta breathe now hehe ;)

Try some of that and see how it goes.



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hey ya encontre el problema esque no configure el servidor con un domain entonces el windows no funciona sin un domain y el ordena apagarce en 1 hora esto lo encontre en los eventos system

gracias a todos no soy muy bueno para el english

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problem solved :)

he tells that he didn't set the domain on the server so after an hour or so, his system shutdowns.

he found the answer on system events and excuses because he is not that good at english :P (i think me neither lol)

@lapradera, me alegro d q encontraras tu solucion :)

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