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w2k add user problem

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I made a bootable CD, created a unattended (WinNT.sif) file without problems. All working perfectly. Then my Floppy disk gets an error, and now everything (my WinNT.sif file and registry settings, cmd files etc.) is erased. When trying to create all anew, I could not get the information for the create user part.

I have of course searched the forum, I have read everything on unattended.msfn.org etc. Nothing is working. I recall a section I believe at the address: www.msfn.org/unattended/ once, and it was here, that I found the information maybe a year or 2 ago. It was about creating a user (adding a user) and logging the user on using a .reg file. Also at the end of the unattended installation it was supposed to erase the password, as there would be a security risk to this issue, as it was viewable as pure text in the reg file. Thus using a file called "deletepassword.reg" in the [GuiRunOnce] section of the WinNT.sif file.

I believe this section has been deleted, due to the update on unattended regarding on WinXP instead of Win2k. Except that I believe that at the time I found the information, it was actually made also on XP. Anyway, since I could not find all this "old" information and regenerate my necessary files, I have tried using the net user commands. But it certainly does not work.

I was hoping, that with this topic, I would be able to get in touch with someone who can help me. I would very much appreciate it, as I am pulling my hair at the moment. I have everything working perfectly, except for the autologon part and creating user part. I guess I need some batch commands or something?

Anyway, I hope someone will be able to help me. Thanks.

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Here is the webstie for creating users during the unattended install process:


The way I do it is that I have my cmdlines.txt file as follows:

"REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg"

Then my useraccounts.cmd is where I add my users and reference the autologon registry entry...

I add the user Local Account,

add the Local Account user to the administrator group,

disable the Administrator account,

remove the password age requirement, and lastly call up my autologon.reg.


net user "Local Account" "PASSWORD" /add /y
net localgroup Administrators "Local Account" /add

net user "Administrator" /Active:no

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

REGEDIT /S autologon.reg


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"DefaultUserName"="Local Account"

This requires that the Winnt.sif has the following options defined:

Winnt.sif (partial)

  OemPreinstall = Yes
  OemFilesPath = .\$OEM$

It works flawlessly for me...

Some key points:

Remember the name is CMDLINES.TXT

CMDLINES.TXT should be located in the D:\$OEM$ folder

(Subtitute you CDROM Drive Letter for D:\)

The CMDLINES.TXT has very limited comand line functions, keep it basic.

Place all files that CDMLINES.TXT will execute in the same folder as CMDLINES.TXT

And that is it, hope you can get your CD working!

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