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Undocumented hotfix parameters?

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While using a proggie called Process Mate (a freeware task manager), I found out that it can give the path of the running processes as well as the parameters used to start them.

I used WindowsUpdate to check my Windows 2000 SP4 IE6 SP1 install, and found I needed about 4 updates. Using Process Mate I noticed that the hotfixes were called using the following parameters:

-q /Z -ER -PA

for example:

WINDOWS2000-KB837001-X86-ENU-express.EXE -q /Z -ER -PAWINDOWS2000-KB828741-X86-ENU-express.EXE -q /Z -ER -PAWINDOWS2000-KB835732-X86-ENU-express.EXE -q /Z -ER -PA

I know what the -q and /Z parameters do... but does anyone know what those other two parameters (-ER -PA) do?

I tried running the hotfix files (found under the C:\WUTemp folder) directly at the command prompt using /? to check the parameters, but those parameters are not listed in the parameters help window.

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I'm been using PM to monitor my unattended installs and to obtain the command-line parameters that MS uses to install certain things. Now I've hit a rock in the road with those 2 parameters that seem to be undocumented.

Haven't found anything on those on google or MS Knowledge base.

Can someone please clarify what -ER -PA does? :)

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Wow! Thanks alanoll

Where can I get the docs that explain those options further?

I mean, the docs/readme where you got that. :)

I would really like to explore the extended return codes. Can they be used in a batch/cmd script?

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