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Avast 8.x and MSE


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We've been rebuilding our deployment server & as we mostly do consumer machines we decided to have either Avast or MSE pushed out.

Previously had no issue with Avast, but now we get either Google Chrome or the Google Toolbar installed, which we dont want. I have no issues using Chrome (using it now) but some of our customer base are freightened of change. Anyone know of any switches which stop the Google installs from running??

We also opted for MSE, but the switches for that dont work! Anyone got ideas on them as well??

Thanks in advance!

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This is the script I use with MSE and Win7

@echo off&color 06&mode con: cols=75 lines=20
title -Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 Silent Installer-

:Determine processor architecture (to install either 64 or 32-bit)
if exist "%programfiles(X86)%" (goto x64) else (goto x86)

start /i mseinstallx64.exe /s /runwgacheck /o
goto end

start /i mseinstallx86.exe /s /runwgacheck /o



We've been rebuilding our deployment server & as we mostly do consumer machines we decided to have either Avast or MSE pushed out.

Previously had no issue with Avast, but now we get either Google Chrome or the Google Toolbar installed, which we dont want. I have no issues using Chrome (using it now) but some of our customer base are freightened of change. Anyone know of any switches which stop the Google installs from running??

We also opted for MSE, but the switches for that dont work! Anyone got ideas on them as well??

Thanks in advance!

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Cheers DosProbie!!

Shall give it a try today!! swear i tried the /s, but get nothing! maybe i do need it to do the /runwgacheck as well!

Thanks for the advice! :)

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