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Noob needs help vbs script change text in word .doc

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Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Fso.CopyFile "New offerte.doc", "H:\",TrueAct.Run(chr(34) & "New offerte.doc"& Chr(34)),False
copies without any error

but needs Double Quotes to open, Chr(34)="

1:\So the letter are for folders

2:\ You want to copy those files to the User Input Letter Folder

Updated Script, it will make the UserInput Letter Folder On Drive H, which you

can change to suit your needs, then copies the 2 files.

'-> This code is property of Gunsmokingman and Or Jake1Eye and you must have his permission to use.'-> This is only posted as example code and meant only to used as such.'-> Run Time ObjectsDim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'-> Runtime VariblesDim F, Fld'-> Check To Make Both Files ExistsIf Fso.FileExists("offerte.doc") And Fso.FileExists("factuur.vbs") ThenGetFldLtr()ElseMsgBox "Error Missing the offerte.doc or factuur.vbs."WScript.Quit()End IfFunction GetFldLtr()'-> Loop To Keep Inputbox ActiveDo'-> Get Drive LetterFld = InputBox(_"Type In The Drive Letter You Want To Use" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_"To Close And Do Nothing, Type Exit Or Quit","","",6500,5500)'-> Quit Or Exit ScriptIf InStr(1,Fld,"exit",1) And Len(Fld) = 4 Or _InStr(1,Fld,"quit",1) And Len(Fld) = 4 ThenWScript.QuitEnd ifIf Not IsNumeric(Fld) And Len(Fld) = 1 ThenIf Fso.DriveExists("H:\") ThenDim P [img=http://www.msfn.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif]="H:\"&FldIf Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)Set F=Fso.GetFile("offerte.doc")F.Copy P&"\"&F.Name,TrueSet F=Fso.GetFile("factuur.vbs")F.Copy P&"\"&F.Name,TrueExit DoElseMsgBox "Error This Drive H:\ Is Missing . Contact The" & vbCrLf & _"To Get The Correct Drive Letter",4128,"Error No Drive"WScript.QuitEnd IfEnd IfLoop Until Len(Fld) = 1000End Function
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Cool very nice

If you couldt please add to youre code a second inputbox where the user can put in the name of the folder that shouldt be created inside the first folder chosen?

So first choose folder letter>(you aced that) > after that type in name of client >(inputbox) >save offerte.doc to the name of the client in a subfolder also named after the client?

like folder J >folder John doe>john doe.doc< wich was offerte.doc.

Factuur.vbs needs to be in the same folder no rename.

After copy> creation the userinput.doc needs to be opened.

Thank you for all youre work!

I am very happy with the script :)

Edited by oxb
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I have made a HTA for you to try it uses VBS scripting to do the work

<!--February-06-13 Hta And Script By Gunsmokingman Aka Jake1Eye This code is property of Gunsmokingman and Or Jake1Eye and you must have his permission to use. This is only posted as example code and meant only to used as such.--><TITLE>UserInput MkDir</TITLE><HTA:APPLICATION ID="InMkDir"SCROLL="No"SCROLLFLAT ="No"SingleInstance="Yes"ShowInTaskbar="No"SysMenu="No"MaximizeButton="No"MinimizeButton="No"Border="Thin"BORDERSTYLE ="complex"INNERBORDER ="No"Caption="Yes"WindowState="Normal"APPLICATIONNAME="InMkDir"Icon="%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe"><STYLE type="text/css">Body{Font-Size:9.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;BackGround-Color:#EFE9E3;Text-Align:Center;Vertical-Align:Top;}TD{Font-Size:8.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;}.Tbx{Font-Size:8.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;}BUTTON{Height:15pt;width:60pt;Cursor:Hand;Font:8.05pt;Font-weight:bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:#404040;Text-Align:Center;Vertical-Align:Middle;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr='#E5E5E5',EndColorStr='#7D7D7D');Margin:1;Margin-Top:15pt;Padding:2;Border-Left: 1px Transparent;Border-Right: 2px Transparent;Border-Top: 1px Transparent;Border-Bottom: 2px Transparent;}</STYLE><script LANGUAGE='VBScript'>'-> Resize And Place In Approx Center Of ScreenDim Wth, Hht :Wth = int(475) :Hht = int(225)window.ResizeTo Wth, HhtMoveTo ((Screen.Width / 2) - (Wth / 2)),((Screen.Height / 2) - (Hht / 2))'-> Run Time ObjectsDim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'-> RunTime VariblesDim F1, F2, F1a, F2a, Msg1, Tm1, Tm2Msg1=". The Textboxes Have Been Disable, Contact The " & _"System Admin To Get The Missing Files"F1a="offerte.doc"F2a="factuur.vbs"Function Window_OnLoad()'-> Check To Make Both Files ExistsCheckFile(F1a)CheckFile(F2a)If F1 = True And F2 = True ThenTx1.style.visibility = ""Tx1.style.color="#117711"Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2aElseIf F1 = True And F2 = False ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = True ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2a & Msg1ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = False ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1End IfEnd Function'-> Checks For FilesFunction CheckFile(F)If Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F1a Then F1 = TrueIf Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F2a Then F2 = TrueEnd Function'-> If Any File Is Missing Disable The TextBoxFunction DisableTextBoxes()Tx1.style.visibility = ""Tx1.style.Bottom = 35Tx1.style.Left = 40Tx1.style.width = 375Tx1.Align="Left"Tx1.style.color="#980000"In1.disabled = TrueIn2.disabled = TrueEnd Function'-> Process The Submit ButtonFunction MySubmit()Tx1.style.color="#980000"If Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 ThenTx1.style.color="#117711" :Tx1.style.Bottom = 35Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm, Processing Information<BR>" & _UCase(In1.value) & " " & In2.valueDisplay()ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) = 0 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Fill In Both Textboxes"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) = 0 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Fill In Full Name"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) <= 3 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Full Name Less Then 3 Characters"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Single Letter Missing"End IfEnd Function'-> Process The InformationFunction ProcessMySubmit()If Fso.DriveExists("H:\") Then'-> Make First Folder Then Copy offerte.docDim P [img=http://www.msfn.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif]="H:\" & UCase(In1.value)If Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)Set F=Fso.GetFile(F1a)F.Copy P & "\" & F.Name,True'-> Make Second Folder Then Copy factuur.vbsP = P & "\" & In2.valueIf Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)Set F=Fso.GetFile(F2a)F.Copy P & "\" & F.Name,TrueEnd IfMsgDisplay()End Function'-> Time Dealy Then CloseFunction Display()Tm1=window.setTimeout("Process1()",5000,"VBScript")End FunctionFunction Process1()window.clearTimeout(Tm1)ProcessMySubmit()End Function'-> Time Dealy Then CloseFunction MsgDisplay()Tx1.style.color="#3377AD"Tx1.style.Bottom = 39Tx1.innerHTML = "Process Completed"Tm2=window.setTimeout("ProcessFinished()",5000,"VBScript")End FunctionFunction ProcessFinished()window.clearTimeout(Tm2)window.close()End Function</SCRIPT><BODY><!-- Folder Letter --><TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:385;Text-Align:Left;'>Please Type In A Single Letter From A-Z</TD><TD Style=''><INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In1' Class='Tbx' Size='1' MAXLENGTH='1'></TD></TABLE><!-- User Name --><TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:325;Text-Align:Left;'>Type In Your Full Name</TD><TD Style=''><INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In2' Class='Tbx' Size='35' MAXLENGTH='128'></TD></TABLE><BUTTON ID='Bn1' OnClick='MySubmit()'>Submit</BUTTON><BUTTON ID='Bn2' OnClick='window.close()'>Close</BUTTON><!-- For Positioning The Tx1 Div Small And Large Text<DIV Style='Width:275;'>Confirm offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs.</DIV><DIV Style='Width:375;Margin-Top:22pt;Text-Align:Left;'>Missing offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs. TheTextboxes Have Been Disable, Contact The System Admin ToGet The Missing Files</DIV>--><DIV ID='Tx1' Style='visibility:hidden;Position:Absolute;Bottom:49;Left:90;Width:275;'></DIV></BODY>
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This might be a dumb question, but, if I understand this, since the "outer" folder (A, B, C, ...) seems to always be the first letter of the Client name, why is it necessary to have the user enter both steps? I mean if you just have the user enter the Client name such as "Ajax", then the script should be able to easily figure out that the .doc file copies and edits are going to to happen in the "A\Ajax" folder, right? Or is that not actually the case? Leaving in both steps allows more flexibility, but if what I surmised is really the case, then automating it will eliminate possible "misfiling" mistakes.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
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Wow man amazing

looks professional now!

Im so pleased, wouldt have never come up with that kind of scripting,

Will take a look this evening gotta go work now.

Much kudo`s to you sir :thumbup


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UNneeded, but JFYI:

@echo off
::PUSHD network Path to be filled in later
ECHO Geef alfabetische letter en druk op enter!

CHOICE /C:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /N >NUL
SET /A CharNum= %errorlevel% + 96
CMD /C EXIT /B %CharNum%
SET "Char=%=ExitCodeAscii%"
ECHO copy offerte.doc %Char% ^& copy factuur.vbs %Char% ^& cd %Char% ^& Set directory=%Char%

More details:




Edited by jaclaz
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Hi jaclaz

Sorry i didnt see youre post ,you are right it better to let the script find its way.

Didnt know that was possible, again big Noob at scripting.

But the script you provided is under dos, i like the vbs option better (look and feel)

Still youre input is highly appriciated and the script is going in my scripts folder for maybe later use.

Thank you for the effort and input.

Going to test the vbscript Gunsmokingman provided :hello:

Will check back later.

Thanx Guys

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I tried youre script and like it very much :thumbup

However there are 2 (for you ) small things

The offerte.doc needs to be in the same folder as factuur.vbs ex folder J >john doe >factuur.vbs+offerte.doc< wich needs to be renamed to> john doe.doc

The situation now is J>offerte.doc > john doe > factuur.vbs

The offerte.doc shouldt be renamed after the user input > john doe .doc

Also couldt you please edit script that after creation of john doe.doc it gets opened in word? :unsure:

I have been playing about with youre script (tried it myself) but i seem to mess up.

Again thanx for youre effort :thumbup


Nevermind i tried and figured out myself how to do it.

Thanx for all your hard work Gunsmokeman

Thank you jaclaz

If you ever need new carpet ill hop on a plane and install that for you :w00t:

Edited by oxb
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1:\ offerte.doc does this become User Input.doc, and it gets copy to User Letter \User Input Folder Name

along with the VBS script.

2:\ Open The User Name.doc from User Letter \User Input Folder Name

Here is the updated HTA, with changes to the copy, both files end up in the User Name

folder and the doc file is rename to the user input.

<!--February-06-13 Hta And Script By Gunsmokingman Aka Jake1Eye This code is property of Gunsmokingman and Or Jake1Eye and you must have his permission to use. This is only posted as example code and meant only to used as such.--><TITLE>UserInput MkDir2</TITLE><HTA:APPLICATION ID="InMkDir2"SCROLL="No"SCROLLFLAT ="No"SingleInstance="Yes"ShowInTaskbar="No"SysMenu="No"MaximizeButton="No"MinimizeButton="No"Border="Thin"BORDERSTYLE ="complex"INNERBORDER ="No"Caption="Yes"WindowState="Normal"APPLICATIONNAME="InMkDir2"Icon="%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe"><STYLE type="text/css">Body{Font-Size:9.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;BackGround-Color:#EFE9E3;Text-Align:Center;Vertical-Align:Top;}TD{Font-Size:8.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;}.Tbx{Font-Size:8.25pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:Black;}BUTTON{Height:15pt;width:60pt;Cursor:Hand;Font:8.05pt;Font-weight:bold;Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;Color:#404040;Text-Align:Center;Vertical-Align:Middle;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr='#E5E5E5',EndColorStr='#7D7D7D');Margin:1;Margin-Top:15pt;Padding:2;Border-Left: 1px Transparent;Border-Right: 2px Transparent;Border-Top: 1px Transparent;Border-Bottom: 2px Transparent;}</STYLE><script LANGUAGE='VBScript'>'-> Resize And Place In Approx Center Of ScreenDim Wth, Hht :Wth = int(475) :Hht = int(225)window.ResizeTo Wth, HhtMoveTo ((Screen.Width / 2) - (Wth / 2)),((Screen.Height / 2) - (Hht / 2))'-> Run Time ObjectsDim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'-> RunTime VariblesDim F1, F2, F1a, F2a, Msg1, Tm1, UserDocMsg1=". The Textboxes Have Been Disable, Contact The " & _"System Admin To Get The Missing Files"F1a="offerte.doc"F2a="factuur.vbs"Function Window_OnLoad()'-> Check To Make Both Files ExistsCheckFile(F1a)CheckFile(F2a)If F1 = True And F2 = True ThenTx1.style.visibility = ""Tx1.style.color="#117711"Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2aElseIf F1 = True And F2 = False ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = True ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2a & Msg1ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = False ThenDisableTextBoxes()Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1End IfEnd Function'-> Checks For FilesFunction CheckFile(F)If Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F1a Then F1 = TrueIf Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F2a Then F2 = TrueEnd Function'-> If Any File Is Missing Disable The TextBoxFunction DisableTextBoxes()Tx1.style.visibility = ""Tx1.style.Bottom = 35Tx1.style.Left = 40Tx1.style.width = 375Tx1.Align="Left"Tx1.style.color="#980000"In1.disabled = TrueIn2.disabled = TrueEnd Function'-> Process The Submit ButtonFunction MySubmit()Tx1.style.color="#980000"If Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 ThenTx1.style.color="#117711" :Tx1.style.Bottom = 35Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm, Processing Information<BR>" & _UCase(In1.value) & " " & In2.valueDisplay()ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) = 0 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Fill In Both Textboxes"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) = 0 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Fill In Full Name"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) <= 3 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Full Name Less Then 3 Characters"ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 ThenTx1.innerHTML = "Error, Single Letter Missing"End IfEnd Function'-> Process The InformationFunction ProcessMySubmit()If Fso.DriveExists("H:\") Then'-> Make First FolderDim P [img=http://www.msfn.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif]="H:\" & UCase(In1.value)If Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)'-> Make Second FolderP = P & "\" & In2.valueIf Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)'-> Copy Rename offerte.doc And Get The Path And New NameSet F=Fso.GetFile(F1a)UserDoc = P & "\" & Replace(F1a,Left(F1a,7),In2.value)F.Copy P & "\" & Replace(F1a,Left(F1a,7),In2.value),True'-> Copy factuur.vbsSet F=Fso.GetFile(F2a)F.Copy P & "\" & F.Name,TrueEnd IfMsgDisplay()End Function'-> Time Dealy Then CloseFunction Display()Tm1=window.setTimeout("Process1()",2000,"VBScript")End FunctionFunction Process1()window.clearTimeout(Tm1)ProcessMySubmit()End Function'-> Time Dealy Then CloseFunction MsgDisplay()Tx1.style.color="#3377AD"Tx1.style.Bottom = 39Tx1.style.Left = 30Tx1.style.width = 395Tx1.innerHTML = "Process Completed, Preparing To Open : " & In2.value & ".doc"Tm1=window.setTimeout("ProcessFinished()",3000,"VBScript")End FunctionFunction ProcessFinished()'-> Open User Input DocAct.Run(Chr(34) & UserDoc & Chr(34)),1,Falsewindow.clearTimeout(Tm1)window.close()End Function</SCRIPT><BODY><!-- Folder Letter --><TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:385;Text-Align:Left;'>Please Type In A Single Letter From A-Z</TD><TD Style=''><INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In1' Class='Tbx' Size='1' MAXLENGTH='1'></TD></TABLE><!-- User Name --><TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:325;Text-Align:Left;'>Type In Your Full Name</TD><TD Style=''><INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In2' Class='Tbx' Size='35' MAXLENGTH='128'></TD></TABLE><BUTTON ID='Bn1' OnClick='MySubmit()'>Submit</BUTTON><BUTTON ID='Bn2' OnClick='window.close()'>Close</BUTTON><!-- For Positioning The Tx1 Div Small And Large Text<DIV Style='Width:275;'>Confirm offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs.</DIV><DIV Style='Width:375;Margin-Top:22pt;Text-Align:Left;'>Missing offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs. TheTextboxes Have Been Disable, Contact The System Admin ToGet The Missing Files</DIV>--><DIV ID='Tx1' Style='visibility:hidden;Position:Absolute;Bottom:49;Left:90;Width:275;'></DIV></BODY>
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This is what i came up with (copy paste) :lol:

Some text changed to my langauge

Hta And Script By Gunsmokingman Aka Jake1Eye
<TITLE>Maak Offerte</TITLE>
BORDERSTYLE ="complex"
<STYLE type="text/css">
Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;
Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;
Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;
Font-Family:Segoe Ui, Arial,Tahoma,Comic Sans MS;
Border-Left: 1px Transparent;
Border-Right: 2px Transparent;
Border-Top: 1px Transparent;
Border-Bottom: 2px Transparent;
<script LANGUAGE='VBScript'>
'-> Resize And Place In Approx Center Of Screen
Dim Wth, Hht :Wth = int(475) :Hht = int(225)
window.ResizeTo Wth, Hht
MoveTo ((Screen.Width / 2) - (Wth / 2)),((Screen.Height / 2) - (Hht / 2))
'-> Run Time Objects
Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'-> RunTime Varibles
Dim F1, F2, F1a, F2a, Msg1, Tm1, Tm2
Msg1=". FOUT " & _
Function Window_OnLoad()
'-> Check To Make Both Files Exists
If F1 = True And F2 = True Then
Tx1.style.visibility = ""
Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2a
ElseIf F1 = True And F2 = False Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Confirm " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1
ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = True Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Confirm " & F2a & Msg1
ElseIf F1 = False And F2 = False Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Missing " & F1a & " Missing " & F2a & Msg1
End If
End Function
'-> Checks For Files
Function CheckFile(F)
If Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F1a Then F1 = True
If Fso.FileExists(F) And F=F2a Then F2 = True
End Function
'-> If Any File Is Missing Disable The TextBox
Function DisableTextBoxes()
Tx1.style.visibility = ""
Tx1.style.Bottom = 35
Tx1.style.Left = 40
Tx1.style.width = 375
In1.disabled = True
In2.disabled = True
End Function
'-> Process The Submit Button
Function MySubmit()
If Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 Then
Tx1.style.color="#117711" :Tx1.style.Bottom = 35
Tx1.innerHTML = "Bevestigd, Bezig met Offerte<BR>" & _
" " & In2.value
ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) = 0 Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Fout,Voer beide velden in!"
ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) = 0 Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Fout, Voer naam in!"
ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 1 And Len(In2.value) <= 3 Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Fout, Naam minimaal 3 letters"
ElseIf Len(In1.value) = 0 And Len(In2.value) >= 3 Then
Tx1.innerHTML = "Fout, Voer alfabetische letter in!"
End If
End Function
'-> Process The Information
Function ProcessMySubmit()
If Fso.DriveExists("D:\") Then
'-> Make First Folder Then Copy offerte.doc
Dim P ="D:\" & LCase(In1.value)
If Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)
'-> Make Second Folder Then Copy factuur.vbs
P = P & "\" & In2.value
If Not Fso.FolderExists(P) Then Fso.CreateFolder(P)
Set F=Fso.GetFile(F2a)
F.Copy P & "\" & F.Name,True
Set F=Fso.Getfile(F1a)
F.Copy P & "\" & In2.value & "_offerte.doc"
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open (P & "\" & In2.value & "_offerte.doc")
oWord.Visible = true
End If
End Function
'-> Time Dealy Then Close
Function Display()
End Function
Function Process1()
End Function
'-> Time Dealy Then Close
Function MsgDisplay()
Tx1.style.Bottom = 39
Tx1.innerHTML = "Offerte Klaar"

End Function
Function ProcessFinished()
End Function
<!-- Folder Letter -->
<TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:385;Text-Align:Left;'>
Voer alfabetische letter in</TD><TD Style=''>
<INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In1' Class='Tbx' Size='1' MAXLENGTH='1'>
<!-- User Name -->
<TABLE Border='1'><TD Style='Width:325;Text-Align:Left;'>
Naam klant</TD><TD Style=''>
<INPUT Type='TextBox' ID='In2' Class='Tbx' Size='35' MAXLENGTH='128'>
<BUTTON ID='Bn1' OnClick='MySubmit()'>Start</BUTTON>
<BUTTON ID='Bn2' OnClick='window.close()'>Sluiten</BUTTON>
<!-- For Positioning The Tx1 Div Small And Large Text
<DIV Style='Width:275;'>Confirm offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs.
<DIV Style='Width:375;Margin-Top:22pt;Text-Align:Left;'>
Missing offerte1.doc Confirm factuur.vbs. The
Textboxes Have Been Disable, Contact The System Admin To
Get The Missing Files</DIV>
<DIV ID='Tx1' Style='visibility:hidden;Position:Absolute;

Gunsmokingman added code tags

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@oxb - when you want to post "code" use

some code here

to keep from disturbing the code. Note that you now have an "emoticon" (smiley face) in your code. The way to do above "code" is

[ code ]something[ /endcode ]

(remove the blanks inside brackets). ;)

edit - DOH!!! Was too quick with that (see jaclaz' below). Edited (remove strikethrough from it)...

Aaand - OK, just got too used to manually doing


(senselessly of course, seeing as how that little icon works...)

Edited by submix8c
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The way to do above "code" is [ code ]something[ /endcode ] (remove the blanks inside brackets). ;)

Not really. :no:

It is [ code] and [ /code] (not [ /endcode]), and in practice you select what you want to insert in CODE tags, then click on the little icon senselessy representing "<>" which you find in "post" or "edit" mode.


Edited by jaclaz
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