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Get WAIK Tools w/o downloading the huge ISO's


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On 9/11/2015 at 6:24 PM, JFX said:

Updated to version 2.2.1

- reduced "xpwimboot" download by 3MB
- added "xpcards" switch to download cards.dll
- added "xpdiskcopy" switch to download diskcopy.dll

@JFX - thanks for creating this tool, and hope it keeps getting updated in the future as well, awesome tool!

Just please, is this forum allows, edit the post #1 and mention that the link is "always latest" or something, luckily thread is only 4 pages long, so I did not look for the info too long :) Way shorter than downloading and installing whole toolkit ;)

+1 beer from me! :)

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  • 3 months later...

There is a kernel-mode driver httpdisk by Bo Brantén, that could be found here: https://www.acc.umu.se/~bosse/ which enables one to mount file hosted over http as a Windows disk (CDFS works just fine, I used this once some 10 years ago to grab some small exe out of one oversized iso, though it was DDK rather than WAIK).

Edit: I've somehow missed mention of httpdisk from first post. Sorry.

Edited by lenin002
I've somehow missed mention of httpdisk from first post. Sorry.
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10 hours ago, lenin002 said:

There is a kernel-mode driver httpdisk by Bo Brantén, that could be found here: https://www.acc.umu.se/~bosse/ which enables one to mount file hosted over http as a Windows disk (CDFS works just fine, I used this once some 10 years ago to grab some small exe out of one oversized iso, though it was DDK rather than WAIK).

Sure, and guess what gave the original idea?

Try READING first post of this thread.


Attempts were made to use httpdisk to download files from inside the WAIK iso,
 but it was not a good solution as you still need to load hundreds of MB and it requires to install an unsigned driver.
 You even had to set your x64 Windows in testmode ...


and JFYI:


in other words this is an improvement (as in "faster", "easier").



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I had used this last week because I was away and needed a servicing DISM... it made me wonder if there was a tool like this that could also grab the files needed to build a WinPE. As that was my second step after the DISM idea didn't work, I then had to get the full ADK.

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  • 10 months later...

How would I go about downloading bootmgr from an official Windows 8.1 Install ISO (or any stable source) from a Windows command line?

The URL needs to be as stable as possible.

I have tried re7zip but it takes ages!

Edited by steve6375
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I would use curl and a Win8.1 Enterprise ISO.

curl -o"bootmgr" -r 8808448-9236127 http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/download/B/9/9/B999286E-0A47-406D-8B3D-5B5AD7373A4A/9600.16384.WINBLUE_RTM.130821-1623_X86FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-IRM_CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO


Edited by JFX
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Thanks so much for the reply and the URL. That works great!

P.S. Unfortunately Windows Defender does not seem to like curl when I package it up though!

Edited by steve6375
Win Defender issue
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Have added command line support for range downloads.

GWT -range:8808448-9236127 -out:"X:\bootmgr" -title:"Download Win8.1 Bootmgr" -link:/download/B/9/9/B999286E-0A47-406D-8B3D-5B5AD7373A4A/9600.16384.WINBLUE_RTM.130821-1623_X86FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-IRM_CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO


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1 hour ago, JFX said:

Have added command line support for range downloads.

GWT -range:8808448-9236127 -out:"X:\bootmgr" -title:"Download Win8.1 Bootmgr" -link:/download/B/9/9/B999286E-0A47-406D-8B3D-5B5AD7373A4A/9600.16384.WINBLUE_RTM.130821-1623_X86FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-IRM_CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO


Nice :) , is there anywhere a way to retrieve the currently used URL's (and optionally change them)?

Just in case an URL becomes invalid and/or should another source become available, etc.

On venerdì 11 settembre 2015 at 6:24 PM, JFX said:

Updated to version 2.2.1

- added "xpcards" switch to download cards.dll
- added "xpdiskcopy" switch to download diskcopy.dll


As a side note, ideally there could be some sort of .ini file (.ini just to say "human readable") with the pre-configured URL's and ranges and the possibility to add a button like "Custom" (

with a drop-down set of checkboxes fetching the "title" from the .ini entry).


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10 hours ago, steve6375 said:

Thanks JFX, the new GWT is smaller in size and does not trigger Windows Defender either.:)

Could you explain how one can work out the correct range to use for any given file please?

Isn't it the "normal" way for a range?

I mean in the given example:


should mean get the bytes from offset 8808448 to offset 9236127 in file <given long url>.iso, this would make the Windows 8.1 bootmgr 9236127-8808448=427679+1=427680 bytes in size, which sounds just right.


Seemingly the -out parameter works fine (i.e. the file is downloaded to the given directory and file name, but the "final" message in the GUI is misleading as it uses as path the "current directory" (where GWT.exe is).

If using the GUI and asking to download the whole 8.1 Waik files, there is an error message (with no specification) "Failed to download the necessary files.".

As a matter of fact some of the files are actually downloaded, cannot say if *all* of them.

Maybe if you could add something a -list option, so that one knows which files are included with a given switch, it would be useful, like:

GWT -Win8.1 -list





As well (IMHO) adding a -x86 and a -x64 to limit the download to only one architecture would save a lot of bytes/time.


Edited by jaclaz
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19 hours ago, steve6375 said:

Could you explain how one can work out the correct range to use for any given file please?

It are just the offset inside the ISO like jaclaz explained.

I've made tool for that:


Edited by JFX
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