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When are the list of programs in Autoruns - Logon section executed


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I have a program that works as a service and works with the network on a low level. It appears that a service it starts too early, so I want to configure it so that it starts after Windows starts, ie after all the stuff in the Registry etc are started.

I am thinking along the lines of the Windows equivalent of /etc/rc.local in Linux, or even after /etc/rc.local has run.

I am looking in SysInternals Autoruns and looks like the Logon section refers to programs that are run after a user logs on or the first user logs on. Is that the case?

I want to tell the program users to run the program not before 5 minutes after their first logon, and I wonder whether putting the program in that section will do the trick. Does the Logon section refers to programs that are run ONLY after the (first) user logs on?

Any ideas


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