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the file name you specified is not valid or too long


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I badly need to backup this 37 GB drive to my External HDD but I am constantly getting this message on the half way through. what a nuisance. Any software or trick to copy seamlessly without any glitch?


Edited by jnathan
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Ntbackup might be able to do it (that's its function). If you wish to stay with copy, you could try robocopy (also check with /B switch).

Edit Reason: remove the B) that wasn't wanted

Edited by allen2
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I've used the following lines to move hundreds of profiles and data folders over computers last year. I found out robocopy is very slow for big amounts of files but having it only check after xcopy had done the job was a big improvement (checking on missing files only on a 2nd pass is very fast).

For instance copying c:\ data to F:\c_data , including protected files and invalid paths (too long).

xcopy C:\Data F:\c_data /e /i /h /c /k /y /r

robocopy C:\Data F:\c_data /e /r:1 /w:1 /v /np /zb /xo

I can't remember what all the switches were about but you can easily find out for yourself.

Note that depending on the target location or the reason why it is invalid at first, the final file name might still be invalid. You can shorten a file's total name by shortening (enough) any folder name in its path. An other workaround to access/use the file is to map a network drive that includes most the path.

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