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Win 7 Pro RTM - Won't select OS

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Hi All,

I'm using Win 7 Pro RTM for dev, and the /image/name part doesn't seem to be working. I've tried the following:




I've used imagex /info and under name, description it shows "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL "

But when set in answer file, it stops and asks you to select OS to install. I've read on the vista unattended section, that someone had to change their ultimated index number to 5.

Is there anything special I need to do, because its doing my head in.

Thanks in advance.



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Hi All,

I'm using Win 7 Pro RTM for dev, and the /image/name part doesn't seem to be working. I've tried the following:




I've used imagex /info and under name, description it shows "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL "

But when set in answer file, it stops and asks you to select OS to install. I've read on the vista unattended section, that someone had to change their ultimated index number to 5.

Is there anything special I need to do, because its doing my head in.

Thanks in advance.



First if it is x86 version the /IMAGE/INDEX Must be value 4 for the professional.

If i'm not wrong the RTM version is standard teh Ultimated version , if thats so the other 4 options are blocked but can be unblocked.

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Hi All,

Thanks everyone for your input, most appreciated. I did manage to get it working in the end but the problem was with my source! I had a 64bit version of win 7 RTM, and I was trying to create an x86 unattend.

Even though I'd only selected x86 architecture, it didnt like the image/name , image/description/ image/index when I set in UA.xml

All good now, changed source to 32bit version and all works correctly, I was racking my brain for a few days and went over firegeirs guide numerous times from scratch!

Thanks again.


Wezzy :)

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So you have this now in WSIM?

Action: AddListItem
Key: 1



No in the end didn't use that. Short answer is:

If you're using 64bit source and trying to make an x86 only UA, its better to use the 32bit version RTM rather thasn 64bit. I tried using the packages from 64bit and making x86 only, but it doesn't like it when you use 64bit for x86.

So in the end I changed my source to 32bit and problem went away. I tried all sorts of combinations initially, index, name, description, and tried renaming the wims because I thought it didn't like spaces. It ended up being the source which caused the issue.



Edited by Wezzy
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  • 1 month later...
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So you have this now in WSIM?

Action: AddListItem
Key: 1


I have ONLY one image inside my install.wim file, this is "7 Enterprise", it have index 1, but I still see "Select the operating system you want to install" screen as first wizard screen before disk wizard screen.

Raoul90, where I have to add INDEX:1 value, I mean what component and in what pass in WSIM ?

For urie, ei.cfg file deleting has not helped.

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<settings pass="windowsPE">

<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup"




<MetaData wcm:action="add">


<Value>Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM</Value>





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