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Need help with a small batch script

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Hi guys,

Is there a way to check if there is a network drive connected that uses a specific letter (Y: in my case)?

In order for my script to run properly it needs to mount a network drive with the letter Y:

What I have now works, but it displays an error message if the drive is not mounted.

ECHO The Y: drive needs to be disconnected in order for this script to run


net use Y: /delete

ECHO Mapping network drive...

net use Y: "\\it-server\software\winsoft"

Now what I would like is:

command that checks if the drive is in use...

if Y: is in use

ECHO Y: Needs to be disconnected... Disconnecting drive now.

net use Y: /delete

if Y: is not in use

ECHO Mapping network drive...

net use Y: "\\it-server\software\winsoft"

Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...


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Try this:

if exist Y: (
ECHO Y: Needs to be disconnected... Disconnecting drive now.
net use Y: /delete
ECHO Mapping network drive...
net use Y: "\\it-server\software\winsoft"

Thanks a lot! Works great! All I had to add was a small pause so users can read the feedback.

if exist Y: (
ECHO Y: Needs to be disconnected... Disconnecting drive now.
ping -n 5>nul && net use Y: /delete
ECHO Mapping network drive...
net use Y: "\\it-server\software\winsoft"

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Just a small word of warning:

The batch script example provided above doesn't differentiate between types of drive; drive E: may exist, but may not be assigned to another network drive.

Wouldn't the net use command just fail without doing damage?

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Wouldn't the net use command just fail without doing damage?
It wouldn't cause damage, it would fail twice whereas your original attempt was a problem if it failed once!
Is there a way to check if there is a network drive connected that uses a specific letter (Y: in my case)?

In order for my script to run properly it needs to mount a network drive with the letter Y:

What I have now works, but it displays an error message if the drive is not mounted.

Your request was to check if a network drive was connected to Y: all I did was warn you that the script didn't do this!
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Wouldn't the net use command just fail without doing damage?
It wouldn't cause damage, it would fail twice whereas your original attempt was a problem if it failed once!
Is there a way to check if there is a network drive connected that uses a specific letter (Y: in my case)?

In order for my script to run properly it needs to mount a network drive with the letter Y:

What I have now works, but it displays an error message if the drive is not mounted.

Your request was to check if a network drive was connected to Y: all I did was warn you that the script didn't do this!

Aite... thanks :)

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...and the code in mine does ;)

This is the relevant snippet:

:: List drive letters for network drives
FOR /F "tokens=2" %%A IN ('NET USE ^|FINDSTR /R /C:" [A-Z]: "') DO SET BUSYDRV=!BUSYDRV!,%%A
:: Remove leading comma
:: Remove backslashes


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If you want to try a VBS script this will check to see if there is a Network drive = Y

I have no network to test this on, I only made sure there was no run time errors.

If this works I can add the code to do what you requested.

Save As Chk_NetDrive_Y.vbs

'-> Varibles
Dim Drv, Obj, NetDisk, NetPath, Path, StrComputer :StrComputer = "."
'-> Varibles As Objects
Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & StrComputer & "\root\cimv2")
'-> Wmi Querry For Network Drives
Set NetDisk = Wmi.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 4")
'-> Loop To Look To See If There Are Any Map Drives
For Each Obj in NetDisk
If InStr(LCase(Obj.DeviceID),LCase("y")) Then
Drv = False
WScript.Echo "Confirm Network Drive Y"
NetPath = Obj.DeviceID & Obj.ProviderName
Drv = True
Path = Path & Obj.DeviceID & Obj.ProviderName & vbCrLf
End If
'-> If There Is No Network Drives Mapped
If NetDisk.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Missing Network Drive Y"
'-> Show List Of Network Drives
If Drv = True Then
WScript.Echo "List Of Network Drives" & vbCrLf & NetPath
'-> Loop To Read The Individual Drives
' NetPath = Split(Path, vbCrLf)
' For Each Obj In NetPath
' Path = Split(Obj,":")
' WScript.Echo Path(0) & ":" & Chr(34) & Path(1) & Chr(34)
' Next
End If
End If

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If you want to try a VBS script this will check to see if there is a Network drive = Y

I have no network to test this on, I only made sure there was no run time errors.

If this works I can add the code to do what you requested.

Save As Chk_NetDrive_Y.vbs

'-> Varibles
Dim Drv, Obj, NetDisk, NetPath, Path, StrComputer :StrComputer = "."
'-> Varibles As Objects
Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & StrComputer & "\root\cimv2")
'-> Wmi Querry For Network Drives
Set NetDisk = Wmi.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 4")
'-> Loop To Look To See If There Are Any Map Drives
For Each Obj in NetDisk
If InStr(LCase(Obj.DeviceID),LCase("y")) Then
Drv = False
WScript.Echo "Confirm Network Drive Y"
NetPath = Obj.DeviceID & Obj.ProviderName
Drv = True
Path = Path & Obj.DeviceID & Obj.ProviderName & vbCrLf
End If
'-> If There Is No Network Drives Mapped
If NetDisk.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Missing Network Drive Y"
'-> Show List Of Network Drives
If Drv = True Then
WScript.Echo "List Of Network Drives" & vbCrLf & NetPath
'-> Loop To Read The Individual Drives
' NetPath = Split(Path, vbCrLf)
' For Each Obj In NetPath
' Path = Split(Obj,":")
' WScript.Echo Path(0) & ":" & Chr(34) & Path(1) & Chr(34)
' Next
End If
End If

Thanks everybody who replied and helped... it is really appreciated :) I am happy with what I got now. The chances that Y is not a network drive are very slim... pretty much zero, so it's not really necessary to check if it actually is a network drive.



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You should ideally still be making some checks etc. in your script:

Here's a commented batch file to show you the kind of thought processes I'd make as part of this task. The file still isn't fully error trapped nor tested , but it should give you something to work with!

@Echo off
Setlocal enableextensions

:: Your UNC Path
(Set S_=\\Server\Share)

:: Your Intended Drive Letter
(Set D_=Y:)

:: String informing user impending mapping operation
(Set M_=Mapping network drive ...)

:: Check UNC Path validity
If Not Exist "%S_%" (
Echo: Your UNC Path cannot be found
Goto EndIt)

:: Check to see if D_ is already mapped
For /f "tokens 3*" %%# In ('2^>Nul Net use %D_%^|Find "\\"') Do (Set _=%%#)

:: Unmapped - Map it and finish
If Not Defined _ (
Call :Mapit
Goto EndIt)

:: Mapped - steps follow below

:: Finish whilst already mapped to intended letter
If /I "%_%" Equ "%S_%" (
Echo: %D_% is already mapped to %S_%
Goto EndIt)

:: Disconnect the required letters currently allocated share
Echo: Required drive %D_% will be disconnected
Net use %D_% /delete

:: Map the intended share to required letter
Call :MapIt

:: Map the users original share to the next available letter and finish
Echo: The mapped share %_%
Echo: will now be re-mapped to the next available device
:: Include additional switches as necessary
Net use * "%_%"

Echo: Press any key to exit...
Goto :Eof

Echo: %M_%
:: Include additional switches as necessary
Net use %D_% "%S_%"

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Does the drive have to specifically be Y: ?

If not, would it be easier to just grab user input as to what drive to map?

set /p usrnput="Enter a free drive letter to map (EX: E, F, G): "

and then just use %usrnput% for your coding ?

Edited by twig123
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