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Critical Slipstream Failure

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Dear MSFNusers,

Recently I gathered about 350 Vista Updates, hunting for the most up2date vista edition :sneaky:. Ok, stuff collected and extracted I took my folder with all CABfiles and integration tools together. Not knowing just starting an ordinary slipstream job. However critical slipstream failures are the result. As well with peimg.exe or pkgmgr.exe method. Both fail on several updates (between 10-20).

PEIMG.exe quits at failure 1#

PKGMGR.exe continues at failure.

Trouble.. slipstream process works fine on install.wim english only. slipstream process fails on install.wim dutch only or dutch+english. I dubbelchecked all updates are language-neutral.

Are there anymore people with these problems ?

Please note that I collected besides windows critical updates many other updates from several websites. (large number 350+).



KB941649 = **re-launch peimg >succesful **

KB941020 = **re-launch peimg >succesful **

KB934907 = **re-launch peimg >succesful **

KB928570 =

KB933242 = **re-launch peimg >succesful**


Edited by HJW
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I've slipstreamed around 320 Updates without an error some time ago. At the moment I'm running the Sp1 so I don't need the fixes.

I suppose that error occured when slipstreaming fixes in German install.wim?

Funny enough english only install.wim file seems not to have these problems...

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I've got 334 currently slipstreamed without error. However, I did not do them all at once. I have had errors on individual hotfixes. I've probably come across 5 or 6 hotfixes (including one of the recent reliability updates) that would not slipstream. I just skipped them.

This is on English Enterprise 32bit.

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Weird issues discovered:


KB934907 = **re-attempt succesful **

KB928570 =

KB933242 =**re-attempt not succesful though when direct re-launched no error appears. (peimg fails: direct after that recall "peimg /install=* d:\vmount" hotfix gets installed without error**

Are we talking about a peimg bug ?

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