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bluesoleil vs WIDCOMM bluetooth vs. any builtin sw

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Does anybody know if Windows XP has bluetooth software is builtin and whether it is any good.

I read somewhere that WIDCOMM (now owned by qualcomm) was the one MSoft included in SP2, but

I not sure how to verify this. Was bluetooth included in SP2? Is Bluesoleil better than WIDCOMM and maybe

the Windows XP version or is there something better? Moreover, bluesoleil wants to write a license key

to ones bluetooth device, but not all manufactures have the capability/storage on the device to do this(cost cutting)

As a result there is alot of devices out their that are using illegal/hacked versions of bluesoleil software since

the manufacturers of those devices bought/distributed the software to customers. As a result when the

customer tries to upgrade to a newer version of bluesoleil software, they can't due to the inability to write

the license key, and partly due to the MAC address not being registered in bluesoleil's database of

licensed manufacturers. Note: www.bluesoleil.com is also www.ivtcorporation.com . Both companies are based

out of Beijing china with most manufacturers coming out of Asia - mostly Taiwan and others.

The combo wlan/bluetooth device I bought three years ago from geeks.com isn't sold anymore. It was a generic

labeled version of the Suncore Bluewifly one www.suncore.com.tw. Presently, this company in taiwan isn't in business

anymore. The chipset they used from "siliconwave" was bought out by RFMD and then by qualcomm per this weblink

http://www.qualcomm.com/press/releases/200..._bluetooth.html. The Bluesoleil software

was v1.4.9.5. I'm trying to upgrade to a newer version, but can't since bluesoleil doesn't release v1.6.4.1 anymore

and I'm trying v2.3 and the v5.0.x version now, but am not sure if I'll run into license problems since suncore

doesn't exist anymore to ask them. Also the IEE802.11 wireless software is made by a company

called "WLAN Technology Corporation" and I can't find their website either so that I can upgrade this software from

v1.0.x to a newer version too. I'm not sure if this was just a fly-by-night one person operation that suncore bought

some software from or not, or whether they were bought out. Anybody know anything about them? Also, the

wireless USB combo device uses non-WHQL drivers too;however, this doesn't seem to cause problems with

MSoft. This makes me think that if the drivers aren't certified that perhaps the IEEE802.11 and bluesoleil software

may not be properly licensed either that they sold.

Other chipsets are,

CambridgeSiliconRadio / IntegratedSystemSolutionCorp / RTXTelecomAS / STMicroelectronics / ZeevoInc

ZeevoInc was bought by broadcomm.

The device I bought looks exactly like the one that www.trendnet.com sells as TBW-103UB

Another question I have besides the software, is who in the bluetooth chipset market is strong enough so

that they don't sell their product line out, thus forcing bluetooth manufactures (ie suncore) to go out of business

too. I hate to buy a device just to see that I can't get software support or upgrades to it 6-12 months down the road.

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