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  1. There is a way to change the Windows XP System web browser to another browser to increase compatibility between programs that use the system web browser?. Like the cherry player when I go to login it opens a page in the system's web browser but the xp web browser does not support the google login page, by chance I would have to change the system web browser for a browser like Palemoon, Firefox or Chrome , or some way to update this web browser?
  2. As most of you, I have multiple computers and even different OSes on these computers (winXP included) Sometimes I want to have several versions of the same browser for the sake of testing. It can be done with portables but they have their own profile folder and keeping aligned would be a pain. To deal with this, I have created a batch menu to access to browsers and profile folders (previously organized). So I can copy browser/profiles folders from a computer to another and be sure that they will work (as far as they are compatible with target platform) I hope this batch script menu can be useful for you too.(*1) For example I have some browsers/profiles that I am used to "share" between WinXP and ReactOS. https://github.com/dapgo/Menu4multiple_Webrowsers/releases (*1) (Do always a backup of your profile before opening with a different browser on the same computer, Better safer than sorry ) With the exception of Palemoon, the other browser are XP compatible (eve ReactOS) Just copying folders from time to time I can keep almost align the different computers (power users can figure out about solutions based "real" time sync)
  3. I work with a lot of Windows XP computers and well I have to connect some to the internet (So I can do junk like get drivers on them, install software or just playing music in the background while I work on them) Anyways, for the past while I've been using Chrome for web browsing but Chrome's starting to feel slow and a lot of sites aren't working right anymore. So what's the best browsers for XP - one that's more are more up to date? (side note: I use Firefox on my main xp pc, as it works best with YouTube)
  4. See to me, there is ABSOLUTELY NO up to date browser that works on Win9x. By that I mean one that can render HTML5 and do banking. Right there, that should render Win9x as only being appropriate for offline use.
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