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  1. Hello everyone my name's Jason and I have a question. I currently own an old Pentium 4/HT based rig with the following setup: Specs- Current Case: Athenatech A4224BB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811190051 Psu: Antec 300w (Model: PP-303XP) http://www.antec.com/specs/p303xp_spe.html Mobo: ECS L4VXA2 (V1.0A? Not sure as there isn't any indication of revision A, B, or C labeled anywhere on the board; therefore I'll assume it's rev A.) with Socket 478. Bios rev. 1.1e http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx?CategoryID=1&DetailID=44&DetailName=Feature&MenuID=24&LanID=0 Cpu: Celeron 2.4 ghz (North Wood, no HT, no OC) Gpu: Nvidia Geforce 2 MX/MX 400 with 32mb or on-board ram (I think it’s just the mx version, not sure though). Ram: 768mb = 3x256mb of DDR1 ram at 333mhz Drives- 1 Maxtor 80gb ide HDD, 1 Zip Disk 100 ide drive, 2 Floppy drives (3.5 inch/1.44mb), 1 CD-RW drive, and 1 DVD-RW drive. OS: Windows Millennium Edition Ver. 4.90.30000 I wish to upgrade this rig to the following: Specs- Potential Case: Same (if possible). Psu: Same (if possible). Mobo: Same. Cpu: Pentium 4 3.06ghz (HT disabled). Gpu: Ati Radeon 9800 Pro/AIW or Geforce 6800 GT or better if possible. Ram: 3gb = 3x1gb of DDR1 ram at 333 or 400mhz Drives: Same. OS: Same. Audio: SoundBlaster Live! Or better. Will this set up work and what will I need to do to modify WinME to work with it properly? A few points of concern on my part I hope you might know how to fix/suggest a better method: Hardware Issues- Current Psu seems to hate my Molex to floppy power adaptors and will not start at all unless I use the two original floppy power cables. This also means that most of my molex cables are really close to the drives and I can’t extend them further to reach a gpu if it needs a molex power plug. The case I have isn’t very accommodating to large gpu’s and my Geforce 2 MX already takes up most of the space between the hard drives and it’s AGPslot. ACPI is completely broken and I had to disable it on this board as it causes random shutdowns and Windows Me can’t shut down normally with it enabled or it hangs on a black screen with a blinking dos cursor. Software/OS issues: I don’t have any software/OS issues yet but I’ll post them here if any should arise. Thank you for your time in reading this and replying. P.S.: If I posted this to the wrong forum section, just feel free to tell me where it should be or move it there if possible.
  2. So whenever I go into a fullscreen video, such as YouTube or Vessel, the start menu button showing. This is the same for border-less windowed games as well. The weird thing is that it just started happening a few days ago, after owning this program for 1 or so years. Is there any way this can be fixed and if not can this be patched? I hope I'm posting this to the right place. Thanks
  3. System: Dell l502x XPS 15 (Early, 2011) HD Seagate momentus (st9750420as) 750gb What happened? Yesterday I tried to update the HDD firmware(link ate the end of the post) so I downloaded the recommended version for my pc. There were two options an .exe file (the one I used) and a usb option that creates a usb boot drive with the firmware. So I followed all the steps, the pc reboot and got stuck in a black screen like this: (with "seagate" text flashing...) After 2 hours waiting I shutdown the pc and after that it no longer boots the windows, it stucks in a black screen with a flashing underscore. Here are some pictures of the bios. First Thing I've tried, Instal the firmware via USB boot drive, its the usb folder in the firmware file (bottom of the post) dind't work. Second try was to create a windows recovery usb, the result was this: 1º nothing been shown (os, drive size) 2º trying to acess C: from cmd returns something like this: "The volume does not have a system of known files" "be shure that all system fille drivers are loaded and the volume is not corrupted." Ps: "E:" is my pendrive. 3º try, usb seatools Firmware link: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=C6RX3&fileId=3292829046&osCode=W764&productCode=xps-l502x&languageCode=EN&categoryId=SA&DCP=DNDTAG
  4. Hello everyone. I am trying to get Aero Glass for Windows 8.1 and I am completely confused... I have been trying for months and have probably read through the guide about 1000 times. I only download the version for Windows 8.1 and when I download it, it always says that I don't have the correct symbols or whatever and that my DWM is incompatible. After I exit that annoying window, my windows are buggy so I have to uninstall the program once again. It's really frustrating. So, my reason for making a post, is to ask anyone for help. The guide says some things about registry editing and I have no clue on how to do that. So if anyone can comment a full, like, step-by-step tutorial on how to do that, it would be much appreciated because I cannot do this on my own obviously. Thank you very much for your help. The link to the website is http://www.glass8.eu/ and the guide link is http://www.glass8.eu/guide.html
  5. I need to do a batch file wich order all files by a date interval, example: @echo off echo Input the date(dd/mm/yyyy): set /p compDate= ::After that i will compare from the actual day (%date%), example: set interval = %compDate% - %date%... Something like that ::After that i need to list all files from a specific directory, example: echo Input the directory: set /p directory= SET Exit= %UserProfile%\Desktop\test.txt ::After that i might i need the dir /tc to get the creation date, example: pushd "%directory%" dir /s /tc /a-d > %Exit% ::After that, i dont know how to get only the lines wich the date interval are, example: Today is 19/08/2014, but i want to search all files created from day 10/07/2014. So i have to copy all lines which have the date 10/07/2014, 11/07/2014, 12/07/2014 and so on until stop on today created files. I tried with findstr but i can't set the date interval, just a specific date to search in the .txt created. Somebody know how to do that ?
  6. Hi, I want to know if there is any program can remove domain user password without using server.
  7. hi, I forget password elitepad ,, how to reset or remove password. only appear for me password hint y111
  8. Hey I am a general computer admin managing 10+ pcs. I tried writing a batch to install and update new programs but it keeps exiting at the if statement. Please help @echo offffox29.exe -msccsetup.exe /Sklite.exe /verysilent /norestart(THE PROBLEM IS HERE)If NOT exist "C:\Users"( echo Installing Internet Explorer 8 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /update-no /no-default /norestart)ELSE( Echo Internet Explorer 8 Not Required)SET /p AVG=Do you want to Install AVG(Y/N)IF %AVG% EQU y( IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU x64 ( echo Installing AVG x64 avg x64 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ) ELSE ( echo Installing AVG x86 avg x86 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ))Else( echo AVG Installation Skipped)SET /p LIBRE=Do you want to Install Libre Office(Y/N)IF %LIBRE% EQU y( Echo Installing Libre Office LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi ALLUSERS=1 /q /norestart)Echo Renaming Icons...Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk"Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk"Echo Renaming DoneEcho Disabling Hibernationif exists C:\users( cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -h off)echo Deleting Files del ffox29.exe del ccsetup.exe del klite.exe del Install V1.1.bat del avg x64.exe del avg x86.exe del LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msiecho Operation Completeexit /b
  9. is There is any way to make an autounattend.xml file work for windows 7 & windows 8.1?
  10. Hi, Some programs take more time to complete installation. Can any one help me to let installation fast?
  11. Starting with a brand new ISO: Windows Server 2012 R2 RTM Datacenter/Standard ISO My default ISO tool is 7Zip, easy, simple, my standard default app. But it doesn't read UTF. I see the following when I open it: [bOOT] - Folder README.TXT - File The readme says: "This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification." So we tried a native 2012 install to mount the ISO. But that could see the files, but not copy them all. Then I tried Virtual CloneDrive. This way I can mount the ISO under Win7. Here is where I get different errors based on the tools used. 'E:' drive is the ISO mounted through Virtual CloneDrive 'D:' drive is a NTFS partition First command to test directory creation. xcopy E:\* D:\DVD\* /E /V /F /G /H /Y /T creates all 871 directories (correct amount) Second command to copy the files. xcopy E:\* D:\DVD\* /E /V /F /G /H /Y Gets down to this file: E:\efi\microsoft\boot\resources\bootres.dll Error: The target volume does not support symbolic links Add the option /B - "Copies the Symbolic Link itself versus the target of the link." xcopy E:\* D:\DVD\* /E /V /F /G /H /Y /B Gets down to this file: E:\efi\microsoft\boot\resources\bootres.dll Error: The target volume does not support symbolic links Add the option /J - "Copies using unbuffered I/O. Recommended for very large files." xcopy E:\* D:\DVD\* /E /V /F /G /H /Y /J Gets down to this file: E:\efi\microsoft\boot\resources\bootres.dll Error: The target volume does not support symbolic links Next tool to test was TeraCopy Running a copy of everything in the ISO, minus the 'sources' folder, yields 145 files and 18 folders copied to D:\DVD\, and the mounted ISO has 160 files and 18 folders. Tracking down these files gives this list: 1 - e:\efi\microsoft\boot\resources\bootres.dll 2 - e:\support\adfs\en-us\migrate-federationconfiguration.psd1 3 - e:\support\adprep\en-us\adprep.dll.mui 4 - e:\support\adprep\en-us\csvde.dll.mui 5 - e:\support\adprep\en-us\ldifde.dll.mui 6 - e:\support\logging\en-us\actionqueueetw.dll.mui 7 - e:\support\logging\en-us\auditetw.dll.mui 8 - e:\support\logging\en-us\cmisetupetw.dll.mui 9 - e:\support\logging\en-us\oobeldretw.dll.mui 10 - e:\support\logging\en-us\setupcletw.dll.mui 11 - e:\support\logging\en-us\setupetw.dll.mui 12 - e:\support\logging\en-us\setupugcetw.dll.mui 13 - e:\support\logging\en-us\sysprepetw.dll.mui 14 - e:\support\logging\en-us\windeployetw.dll.mui 15 - e:\support\logging\en-us\winsetupetw.dll.mui xcopy E:\Sources\* D:\DVD\Sources\* /E /V /F /G /H /Y Gets down to this file: E:\Sources\dlmanifests\microsoft-windows-storagemigration\en-us\stormigplugin.dll.mui Error: The target volume does not support symbolic links Then tried using TeraCopy and got lots of errors on multiple .mui and .dll files Error: Read Error: Incorrect function. Does anyone have any other ideas for extracting these files cleanly?
  12. As you know After format , during windows installation computer restart and appear 3 windows user password update I want to let that windows be hidden ,, automatically windows set user: admin password: No password update: automatically (recommended) How I can do that by using dism(offline wim)??? I hope get commands for customizing offline without create answer file???
  13. Windows 98 wont recognize my hard-drive, but BIOS does. Any suggestions.
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