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Posts posted by muiz

  1. U dont kn ow what you all did wrong , but it works 100%

    and NO its not from 6.0

    Learn to read!

    Hi muiz, nice but...I`m really new to this so I have some questions, can you pls explain if possible? I installed, registered, also extracted file I downloaded before installation...so ok. But:

    1) I exported whole reg key you mentioned: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD].

    The problem is that I don`t have some lines which you mentioned e.g. "Header"="Deluxe" and "TEST"=dword:00000000 so I simply copied these from yours to mine, i had also some different values:"CPNav"=dword:00000003; "MustUpdateKey"=dword:00000003, yours shows 00000002 so i simply edited mine...is that ok? And is this whole reg file I should save or is it only a part?

    2) I`m just going to study creating of sfx files so can you please put some link here to the sfx archives in general?

    3) After I sucessfully create sfx file is it possible to run this with RunOnceEx method?

    That would be enough, thanks a lot in advance.... :thumbup

    Actually what 'muiz' has posted is registry settings from PowerDVD 6. What you really need is:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "BuildInPacks"="Notebook Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack"
    "InstalledPacks"="Advance Audio Pack, Interactual Pack"

    Ofcourse, the above is valid if you have a 'Deluxe Serial', 'Advance Audio Pack Serial' & 'Interactual Pack' Serial'.

    1 word : NO

  2. Links/Requests to warez and/or any illegal material (porn, cracks, serials, etc..) will not be tolerated. Discussion of circumventing WGA/activation/timebombs/keygens or any other illegal activity will also not be tolerated

    You better edit your post ;)

  3. Go to Start Menu > Run

    Type in "services.msc" and press ENTER

    Locate "Cyberlink RichVideo Service(CRVS)" from the list of local services.

    Right click and choose properties

    Switch the startup type to "disabled" and OK. (Stop it now if you want)

    Close and reboot.

    errr dude.... :blink:

    That is not unattended , they mean during setup ;)

    Read Nucleus post , that is the way to do this. ;)

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