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Posts posted by slimzky

  1. When i had a logitech camera, it showed up in my computer beside my scanner and i could click on it to access it. I gave that to my sister and got a creative camera and it doesnt show up in my computer. Is there a way for it to show up there?

    i dont think thts possible... u cud always use the control panel to access it....

  2. my problem is that the SHARING TAB in my folder properties isnt showing even if the enable simple file sharing is enabled in the folder options.. :blink: i 4got what i hav done .. maybe i deleted a reg entry.. or created one that causes this.... i need ur help.. im messing up with my files again... :blink:


    thnx in advance!

  3. im having this problem for a long time & i still i cudnt find the solution... i have my "my documents" redirected to a partition using a reg tweak... (E:\) but evrytime i copy, move, rename, create new folder or delete files, i always have to refresh the explorer for it to be done.... i dunno whats causing this...

    i tried defragmenting the drive & even reformatting but still it doesnt help...

    thnx in advance :hello:

  4. I for one can't see the new boot I set, it's oemkrnl.exe placed in the system32 folder, and the boologo.cmd inside cmdlines.txt to apply it. But it's not working Old boot there.

    be sure u have tested ur custom OEMKRNL.exe b4 trying it in virtual mahine.... once confirmed working put it ur system32 folder (in ur XPCD)... then create a cmd file and put this lines.... & rename it to BOOTLOGO.cmd

    bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1
    bootcfg /Timeout 0

    put BootLogo.cmd under ur $OEM$ folder... & call it in ur CMDLINES.txt like this..



    this is much easier than the one on the Guide provided here


  5. ,Aug 27 2005, 04:04 PM]how to install bootscreens to Windows XP CD Installer. to become default boot screen?  :(

    search the forum for the key word "OEMKRNL.exe"

    u will see a method ny Gosh if im not mistaken... thats the easiest way of integrating your custom kernel... thats easier than the one on the UACD Guide.... it works perfectly on my UACD... :rolleyes:

  6. yes i know that, but it would be nice to do it for my UA

    herez what im using in my reg tweaks.. run this reg via cmdlines.txt

    ;  Relocate Special Folders

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

    "My Music"="F:"
    "My Videos"="F:\My Videos"
    "My Pictures"="E:\My Pictures"

    Just change the dir wer u want them to reside... "Personal" is equivalent to MY DOCUMENTS so thats the one ur looking for.... :whistle:

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