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Everything posted by Sampei.Nihira

  1. In AG AdBlocker I requested it but my request was not considered,probably because the time in which the extension would be ready is too long (with the current parameters). In UBO Lite there is no need for this functionality. P.S. If any forum member is interested in testing the behavior of his (UBO + browser) in comparison with these 2 MV3 extensions I would be very interested in this duel. Also because I can perform “limited” tests (because I know the “responses” of many websites I use in my tests).
  2. Today I finished my lengthy tests with AdGuard Adblocker v. 5.x. I am very hesitant to recommend,if required,to use AG v.5.x or UBO Lite. The long reactivation time of AG's Service Worker after suspending the browser is a penalty factor. I estimated a reactivation time of about 10 sec and asked for a decrease in this time,during which the filtering capability is compromised. This problem does not appear to be present in UBO Lite. With UBO Lite I recommend the combination of the MV3 extension, Ping Blocker 0.1.3.
  3. I have studied a combination of DNS-level filter lists (as far as possible) effective in mobile browsers without extensions. But this topic is OT in this thread........
  4. Do you mean the Consent Cookie Popups? Strange. Do you use the right list of filters?
  5. Do I despise Microsoft? Where did you read that? I wrote that I dislike Windows 11 compared to Windows 10. But I can very well make it less “dislike”. It's this toil that I have to do at 61 that bothers me.
  6. Yes, AdGuard URL Tracking Protection filters works perfectly. You can also verify this at the Brave URL test. Each list of filters works perfectly,but that does not mean that it provides protection that is more than enough for most people. I do not settle for “more than enough.”
  7. By October 2025 my PC will either have Linux (which I have known how to use perfectly for several years) or Win11. I am NOT content to stay with Windows 10 after October 2025.
  8. If you cannot use AdGuard URL Tracking Protection use other types of filters.
  9. After retirement I have only 1 PC (Win10) at home. My wife “put up with” the 5 PCs when I was working. After 2025 Win10 will be EOL. I never liked dual-boot. So from October 2025 this one PC will be equipped with either Win 11 or Linux.
  10. @UCyborg Yes filtering at the DNS level helps a lot. With a browser without extensions the optimum is to achieve 97% blocking at d3ward test. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ But of course DNS filtering is more useful with Windows. And in that case you need to enable at least 2 filter lists that are also available in AG DNS. With these 2 filter lists (which I use in NextDNS) you can greatly reduce network filtering with UBO.
  11. UBO Legacy has no ability to prevent URL tracking parameters. Your link should look like this (without the tracking parameters): Check that your adblocker also blocks: https://cas.avalon.perfdrive.com (fingerprint) https://sr-client-cfg.amplitude.com (tracker third-party) P.S. These 2 trackers are also blocked by my FF (and also UBO). If they are not blocked by your UBO Legacy I can recommend adding a list of filters
  12. That link (but also the images) has so many tracking parameters in the URL,that it is a very bad idea to use an extension (and browser) with no filtering capabilities. But if tracking is not your priority,do not consider these written words of mine important. And good luck with any exposure to a possible privacy violation to third-party as well.
  13. I agree 100%. One can also write that MSFN members have a lot of time to devote to solving the “problems” they have created. That most PC enthusiasts do not have. From my point of view it is as fascinating as when we opened a time capsule at school (50 years had passed) before my retirement. Time only flows forward whether we like it or not. I am lucky because I have an open mind probably due to my former job. Many people my age deliberately live in the past. I have decided that it is more useful to adapt to adapt to the future (although I would like to stay in the past) by teaching if it is possible to people less young than me (my daughter,my son-in-law.....members of forums younger than me) to improve this THEIR future thanks also to a good dose of the mentality of the past. Please forgive this OT.
  14. I use Pop Peeper. You might check Email Tray: https://www.emailtray.com/email-notifier.html and see if it meets your needs.
  15. Whatever. Have a good day. Oh I forgot,best wishes for the coexistence and/or resolution of the “anomaly”.
  16. A word of advice,you have too many rules. There is a high probability of conflicting rules in similar filter lists but maintained by different maintainers,which can give problems. Also try checking for errors in each filter list that lead to invalid and therefore unenforced rules. more rules = more errors It's simple to do this,just click your mouse in the eye icon in each filter list in the image you highlighted. P.S. I write the above because there is no blocking of an ads/tracker (googlesyndication) in your extension and instead in MSFN it should be blocked (so there is probably an impediment as I wrote above):
  17. Why is it not enough? Already blocking third-party frames and scripts would allow better web page loading speed. Even using uBlock Origin Lite in chromium-compatible browsers would ensure content blocking performed by the browser itself,without RAM and CPU consumption by the extension with a noticeable increase in web page loading speed. More extensions worsen performance. P.S. Moving network filtering to the DNS level would also help speed up web page opening speed.
  18. https://wubuntu.org/
  19. Consider that after doing this test,with Firefox 115 ESR you will have support until March 2025 but after that you will be forced to switch to r3dfox. https://www.ghacks.net/2024/09/09/mozilla-extends-firefox-115-support-for-old-windows-and-macos-devices/ If you need to do a better setting (hardening) than the default setting of these browsers I can give you some advice.
  20. Yes. Try using Firefox 115 ESR or r3dfox.
  21. I asked the developer of Supermium about this: https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/discussions/988
  22. If the other Firefox-based forks are derived from Firefox,what I wrote is reality (whether you like it or not,I don't care). I have never seen the various anti-exploits I have configured into action in the browsers I have used over the years. But MY browsers will always be under the protective umbrella of my 13/14 anti-explois rules. Other people's browsing habits are of no interest to me whatsoever. I wish you a good day.
  23. Suggested by me. Image with Firefox,there are 8 active connections right now. For example detectportal is off (0) and will always remain off. Other connections present at other times,are fully functional: Firefox will always be the safest browser compared to all other forks because it will always be the first firefox-based browser that patches bugs 0-day.
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