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Posts posted by CrazyDoctor
Hi All,
For a new website that I want to establish, I am looking for users management system.
The system shuld able me to manage users (accounts, credits etc) and power users (accounts, credits, details etc).
The purpose site is to give a paid service to its visitors.
A service which will be given by the power users to the registered users.
By looking and researching the internet, I recognize that there is already constructed systems which I can buy or rent and implement in my site for this purpose.
(instead of pay extra money for programmer hours to build such a system from zero than make only few changes in already finished one)
Is anybody can please guied me or at least give me the right direction for where shoud I look?
I don't know where can I find such systems to rent or buy.
Many Thanks!
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has those drawings have been drew by flash painter?
Can't belive it.
Is that all you need flash?
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Hi All,
What is required beside the talent for creating such videos?
I mean, what are the softwares, the programing langauge and other technical stuff that are needed for creating such videos?
Where is the start point and what are the further steps? (besides that the sky is the limit
I'll appreciate any answer.
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Well, I can't judge on the harddrive of course, given the submitted symptoms;
in contrast with Jaclaz, I don't have a crystal ball
But... it's your money, so do whatever you want to do.
I already said I admired your persistance
Many Thanks for the help and especially for the encouragement
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My actual attempt was to advise you against it, but if you really want
to take the risk, you're free to do so of course
Good luck,
against it?
Because my lack of knowledge or because the hard drive does not fit?
If it is my lack of knowledge it is soluble but if it is the other reason even the most proffesional won't succeed..
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The clicking, on itself, shouldn't be a reason the heads are defective.
It's the same as "My car is making noise, so I replaced the entire engine",
while only the fan-belt is broken
I guess you right probably after swaping the PCB the drive will back to life (I hope so)
I've sent in my Seagate 7200.11 drive (you remember... from that other thread) over
to i365 for diagnoses.
Their report was my drive was extremely damaged and they were willing to "Recover"
its data for €900 ex VAT, while it was "Only" the well known BSY-error
Always be sceptical about reported diagnoses made by companies that are there to
make money (...and I don't blame them: they have to make a living too).
Tell me about that.. It is all over the world like that.
Ok, so I think I will order the donor with proceed from that.
Many Thanks for your help Peter!
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What is this chip and why should I replace it?
It's the EEPROM that stores the drive's characteristics and specific
configuration-data which is different for each drive (even for drives
from the same batch and even succeeding serial-numbers).
For the heads, I am pretty sure that they are defective.
Have you (or "The owner") dropped it onto a concrete floor?
Opened the drive and inspected the heads under a microscope?
You can never be certain, before actually having diagnosed a problem;
it could even be that the PCB isn't defective after all.
All you told us so far is that you want to replace the PCB with another
one you found on the internet.
You haven't told us what you've done to come to the conclusion the drive
in question is defective.
Something tells me you only detected that the drive doesn't work (as it
should) and you're only guessing what the actual problem is, without any
substantiating evidence, which isn't an approach an engineer would take.
So this chip store the data, so if I would buy the donor drive, I should replace between the chips on each hard drive?
For the heads, I know that they are defective becasue the clicking sound and the professional report from a data recovery company.
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It doesn't really matter actually, the comments of Jaclaz and me still stands.
Apart from the "Heads"-problem, which we are certain you will not be able to
resolve (btw: how come you're certain they're defective as well?), try to answer
the following (which would actually be the easiest to do):
Do you think you're capable of replacing this part on the PCB:
To be honoust: I doubt it...
Hi Peter thanks for the quick and helpfull answer
What is this chip and why should I replace it?
I in a good relation ship with elctronical lab that if the swap is required I belive they can help me with that.
For the heads, I am pretty sure that they are defective.
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I can't belive it, I published the wrong picture
Let me fix this.
Sorry for the double posting, I published in wrong era the first one.
Sorry for my stupedness
Those are the correct pictures:
Those are the correct pictures
This is the hard drive from ebay
* I also edited the first messege in the post.
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Hi All,
I have got this hard drive which is not seen by the computer.
I have found this drive one ebay
What do you say?
Before I order this drive, is it can work for PCB swap and/or Head swap?
Many Thanks!
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Hi All,
I have got this hard drive which is not seen by the computer.
I have found this drive one ebay
What do you say?
Before I order this drive, is it can work for PCB swap and/or Head swap?
Many Thanks!
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Looks like the site is getting the data server-side in the initial GET request (if I funnel myself through a proxy, it gets the proxy's address, rather than running a script on the local client). Probably server-side PHP before the page is served, given it's an Apache webserver on CentOS Linux reporting itself as PHP 5.2.11.
I guess that I can't see the code (PHP) of the this site? do I?
I tried to get view source but nothing like PHP.
Is what I see the outcome of the PHP code that run on the site's server?
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WOW Thank you guys!
You really helped me alot!
I found this site which shows my IP.
I tried to look over it's code to understand the function who finds my IP but I can't find anything.
It seems like part of the code is hidden from visitor, am I right?
How does this site works and build?
What function and language does this site use in order to detact my IP?
Best Regards,
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Look, GNU ddrescue AND dd_rescue are typical LINUX apps.
I already pointed you to a good, known to be working GUI windows tool, TWICE:
A win32 version of ddrescue is available here:
Use 7-zip to open the bz compressed tar archive.
READ about CygWin:
Take your time on it.
Hi jaclaz, Thanks again for the software, but the problem is that, the hard drive immediately disconnect itself does not let me to image even a little part of it.
I tried this thing on windows environment, the question is if in linux it will be the same. I never worked with linux before.
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ddrescue -> http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html
dd_rescue -> http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/ddrescue/
Hi jaclaz,
I got those files, but what do I do with that?
How do I start the software?
What is tar.gz?
There is also files for ddrescue
But again, how do I use that files?
I assume that nothing with windows..
Best Regards,
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Count to ten before opening a new thread. And actually use the help received, or you'll start to be ignored. Threads merged. Since VideoRipper already said what had to be said, I only have to add: consider yourself warned!
OK, I got the point right after the things of VideoRipper.
Won't happen again.
Any suggestions for my drive?
I did every suggest that you gave but the drive still disconect itself.
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How come I have the feeling I've read this question before?
Why post requests ("Spam the board") when you're not using any of the information
given and just start the same thing over and over again?
It's getting a bit annoying
Hi VideoRipper, sorry for that!
I really tried all the information that I got there without any success so I thought to try a new way (somehow I thought that that topic is irrelevant anymore so I opend a new one).
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Hi all,
I have seagate 1.5 7200.11 HD which disconect itself after 10-30 seconds.
I can see the drive in the bios after I turing on the computer, I can see full detatils of it but after the second restart the HD does not recognize at all!
In the windows I can see the drive as a letter but non of the data recovery softwares could get access into the drive. I can't image the drive, I can't scan it and any data recovery software pump me a messege that "No media is connecting" (or something like that).
I successed to have a report from seatools diagonstic for dos that the hard drive is over then 70c (not true, I feel it). I tried to solve the hit problem by 2 HD coolers on each side but nothing. still the same symptom.
What else I can do, beside give it to a DR company who will charge me alot of money.
I have knowledge about data recovery and I have some tools that I built on my one. And also I succeed to recovery not a few hard drives before.
So, what can I do?
Best Regards,
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A quick search turns up literally thousands of links on how to do this, and I'm sure at least a few are relevant.
WOW thanks!
I didn't know that this code is written by java!
What about server side programing languages?
If you have more things that might help me, please add them too.
Best Regards,
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Hi All,
I want to create such a page like in this website
How do I do that?
In a simple description, I want to create a page on my website which shows my vistors their IP address and if possible there mac address to.
Many Thanks!
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Hi All,
I have that HD:
With that PCB:
I suspect that the PCB is burnt.
I found this alternative PCB.
Is it good for me? or I need the BIOS chip replacement?
Best Regards,
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Are those updates can be achieve on the internet?
I mean if I would buy Atola Imager, I would like to save the money about the software updates, so I want to know if those updates can be achieve on the internet?
Many Thanks!
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Thanks for the informative and usefull answer!
What are the differences between Atola Imager and Atola Insight?
Why is the 5000$ difference?
By the way, what product is better:
Deepspar or Atola?
Many Thanks!
Looking for a way to "sniff" the memory ram and the Cach
in Other Operating Systems
Hi All,
I am looking for a way to "sniff" and save the memory ram and the Cache from MAC OS into a flash drive.
The reason is that:
I have created video files and encrypted them with AES algorithm (the same password for all of them). The files don't require a password for running them but if you try to run them without specific video player you will have an error message that the files are corrupted.
I have build a video player which first decrypts the video files (with a saved in it password) and then run the selected video.
Without the video player the video files are useless (because the encryption).
The video files are saved on the mac computer and the video player is located on a disk flash so every time that I want to watch the videos I plug the disk flash to the mac, run (double click) the video player and immediately remove the disk flash from the mac itself without coping the player to the mac (the video player is still running and decrypt and play every selected file that I select).
The video files remain encrypted by trying to have access to them outside the video player (the video player just reading them and not modify the original video files).
I want to test the encryption by somehow sniffing to the temporary location which the video player is running and "sniffing" the video player or the decrypted video files from myself.
Any idea how to sniff that temporary location and "steal" the video player or the decrypt video files?
Many Thanks for any advice or direction how to act.