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Posts posted by amitri
just tried latest v3 rev1 with latest leaked 8.1 RTM iso and gives me "BFSVC error: 0X1F" in GUI at Updating boot code (Failed to create Bootfiles).
v2 works OK with the same configuration.
Thanks in advance
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Great tool. I'm using it to install WIN7 from unpacked iso from folder on USB key and I have a question.
My setup finishes OK, unattended works great. However it looks like the $oem$ folders from sources\$oem$\$$\setup\scripts\.. and setupcomplete.cmd doesnt get copied and run from %system% folder.
Tried same setup from DVD and everything was OK. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Great app! Using it for a month or two and wondering if there could be a way to remember last path(s) to the install source.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
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You could try this:
01. Install software normally on fresh machine
02. Start capturing the registry before inserting serial (RegFromApp would do this)
03. Save and apply your .reg file when you need it or use it in silent installer (regedit /s somefile.reg)
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Any chance of a 2.4.4 update?
Thanks in advance.
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Silent switch "/VERYSILENT /SP- /COMPONENTS=program /NORESTART" should work without toolbar.Hi,Did someone created package for new PdfCreator 0.9.6 (without Google toolbar) ?
Best regards,
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Just do very basic search starting in application installs. A silent installer tutorial. Nlite addons....
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Thanks for this.
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Use search. It works!
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Thanks for your software, great work. A little request, any chance to support .vbs files in initial installer?
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Register software manually using RegFromApp tool which saves registry changes into .reg file.doesnt work. Im just using the switchless installer (not svcpack, but cmdlines+installtips).Run reg file with /s switch or add it to your silent installer.
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Sorry blinkdt I'm new to Autoit, very impressive script. So if it's not too much bother - could you also change the script for the "Adjust for best performance" option.
During unattended XP somehow I always fail to do it in nLite or through regfile. Thanks in advance.
Edit: nevermind, found it, button3 only works OK
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for daemon tools silent installer (and many others) go here (you must register):
NOD32 short answer: "nod32xxxyyy.msi /qn" will install silently
long answer: http://www.msfn.org/board/nod32-v30621-sil...ml&hl=nod32
again, search is your friend...
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With NOD32 installed and everything in place just go to setup and export settings in cfg.xml.Um, and what would be the layout of such an XML file? Can't seem to find it anywhere :s0 -
Fyi: 713MB archive works just fine for me, icon and info included.
Installer was made with 7z v4.57 and upx v3.02 using this tutorial.
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Yes, working now. Sorry for inconvenience. Probably some server issue...
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It seems that links are dead. Any chance to reupload to some other server? Thank you for your work.
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It seems to work, just tried manually on Vista x64. However it gives you an error putting all that double quotes in 7Zip's config.txt (like in example).
Interesting Sonic, so just to be sure: no Wizard, no TeaTimer and no SDhelper with this switch?you can run directly installSpybotsd_1.5.2.exe /verysilent /components="" /tasks="" /norestart
Can anyone confirm? thanks.
P.S.: Nevermind, found, use backslashes!
RunProgram="Spybotsd152.exe /verysilent /components=\"\" /tasks=\"\" /norestart"0 -
Interesting Sonic, so just to be sure: no Wizard, no TeaTimer and no SDhelper with this switch?you can run directly installSpybotsd_1.5.2.exe /verysilent /components="" /tasks="" /norestart
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Great job as always. Thanks.
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Try hereAny one has a mirror for older versions? the version before this one didnt have that problem0 -
BurnRights is included in Nero Toolkit with Nero Lite, not with Nero Micro. And yes, it works with current version, just burned a DVD with locked user.
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Burn Rights seems to works OK in Nero Lite, just tried it with Where is the problem?Is there anyway you can include the "Burn Rights" component in these Lite and Micro versions? If I try to run either install in a limited user account, it denies me access to use the program.0 -
@Acheron: I've sent you a PM
@arom: Check this file CoverEdCtrl.ocx from Nero (6.092.072 bytes, 05.11.2007) in Nerodir\Nero CoverDesigner\ (rename the original to be safe...) then Labelflash works OK for me.
WinNTSetup v5.4.1
in Install Windows from USB
True, I was using some unofficial tiny "Mini XP" just to boot and run WiNTsetup - faster than any of my WinPE versions and good for older PCs.