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Posts posted by Fixie

  1. Some questions:

    Do you know CIDR? - I'm crap at it.

    Do you have a Switch?

    Do you know how to configure VLANs?

    I suggest that you configure a few VLAN's and subnet them accordingly. Something like

    VLAN 1 - Printers

    VLAN 2 - Servers

    VLAN 3 - Desktops



    Then, provided it's an internal LAN and you don't need a PUBLIC IP you could have something like VLAN 1 VLAN 2 /16 VLAN 3 ETC ETC then just route between them. Looks like you're doing that already. But there's always a neater way to do it.

  2. In relation to this one : http://www.msfn.org/board/Networks-Internet-f21.html

    Anyone know how to get "your local" DC out of Active Directory? From the CLI?

    I've been asked now to get all :ph34r: Ninja and find the local DC for remote users - i.e. User from one state on the road in another state RAS to the Network connecting to HQ - must get Login script relating to their "Home" location.

    I was never meant to script. :realmad:

  3. OK, OK. Here it is, the finished product.

    Wasn't allowed to use Connection Manager or Network Manager. Reason unknown. Don't know if I'll ever need to do something like this again. But just incase you need to have a .vbs that does just this, enjoy.

    'VBScript to Connect to VPN'
    'For use by authorised Government personel only'
    'Written by a Government Employee'

    'Option Explicit
    On Error Resume Next

    'Setting up a 5 minute timeout
    intMaxTime = 300
    intStartTime = Timer

    Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
    Dim CheckDrive, AlreadyConnected, intDrive

    ' Define vars
    Dim OWS, intReturn, objIE, strIETitle, objShell, strHost, objNetwork, intButton, blnConnected, sDialUpCmd, sResult

    ' define objects

    'get current user
    set objNetwork = createobject("WSCRIPT.Network")
    dim strCurrentUser
    strCurrentUser = objNetwork.UserName

    Set OWS = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

    'This bit looks for Local machines RAS connection
    If IsRasConnected = True then
    Msgbox Ucase(strCurrentUser) & " - you're already connected to GovNetWireless. Exiting...."
    End if

    intButton = OWS.Popup("Connect account to GovNet, are you sure?",30,"Connect to Department of Government ?",65)

    If intButton = 2 or intButton = -1 Then
    End if

    ' Run VPN link
    OWS.Run "rasphone.exe -d GovNetWireless"

    'get RAS connected...............
    Wscript.sleep 5000
    blnConnected = 0
    If IsRasConnected = True then
    'WScript.Echo "RAS connected!"
    blnConnected = 1
    'WScript.Echo "RAS not connected!"
    blnConnected = 0
    End If

    Loop Until (blnConnected = 1)
    'end get RAS connected...............

    Wscript.sleep 5000

    ' Connect Users Global Network Drive - in this case U:
    objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive "U:"

    OWS.Run "\\GovernentServer002\SYSVOL\gov.gov.gov.au\scripts\Gov_logon.bat"

    'check u: connected...............

    Wscript.sleep 5000
    blnConnected = 0

    If IsDriveConnected("U:") = True then
    'WScript.Echo "U: connected!"
    blnConnected = 1
    'WScript.Echo "u: not connected!"
    blnConnected = 0
    End If

    Loop Until (blnConnected = 1)
    'end check u: connected..............

    ' Connect Users Global Network Drive - in this case N:

    MapDrive "N:", "\\GovernementServer\users\" & strCurrentUser


    Function IsRASConnected
    Const SYSTEM_FOLDER = 1, TEMP_FOLDER = 2 ' FileSystemObject constants

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    With objFSO
    ' Construct a temporary filename.
    strTempFile = .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(TEMP_FOLDER), .GetTempName)
    Loop While .FileExists(strTempFile)

    strCmdLine = .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(SYSTEM_FOLDER), "cmd.exe") _
    & " /c " & .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(SYSTEM_FOLDER), "rasdial.exe") _
    & " > " & strTempFile
    End With

    CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run strCmdLine, 0, True

    ' Open the temporary file.
    Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTempFile, 1)

    sStdOut = lcase(objTS.ReadLine)

    If Not objTS.AtEndOfStream Then
    Select Case sStdOut
    Case "connected to": IsRASConnected = True
    Case "no connections": IsRASConnected = False
    Case Else: IsRASConnected = False
    End Select
    End If

    ' Close and delete the temporary file.
    objFSO.DeleteFile strTempFile

    Set objTS = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing

    End Function


    Sub MapDrive(strDrive, strPath)
    ' The section sets the variables.
    strDriveLetter = strDrive

    strRemotePath = strPath

    ' This sections creates two objects:
    ' objShell and objNetwork and counts the drives
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    Set CheckDrive = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()

    ' This section deals with a For ... Next loop
    ' See how it compares the enumerated drive letters
    ' with strDriveLetter
    On Error Resume Next
    AlreadyConnected = False
    For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
    If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) =strDriveLetter Then AlreadyConnected =True

    ' This section uses the If = then, else logic
    ' This tests to see if the Drive is already mapped.
    ' If yes then disconnects

    If AlreadyConnected = True then
    objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDriveLetter
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
    End if
    End Sub

    Function IsDriveConnected(strDrive)
    ' The section sets the variables.
    strDriveLetter = strDrive

    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    Set CheckDrive = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()

    ' This section deals with a For ... Next loop
    ' See how it compares the enumerated drive letters
    ' with strDriveLetter
    On Error Resume Next
    AlreadyConnected = False
    For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
    If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) = strDriveLetter Then IsDriveConnected = True

    End Function

    Sub CheckWhetherTerminateScript
    intCount = Timer - intStartTime

    If intCount >= intMaxTime then
    OWS.Popup "Timeout is about to happen...",5,"",vbExclamation
    End if

    End Sub

  4. Work in progress:

    Script currently not finished, or working.

    Going down this path

    Option Explicit
    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
    Dim CheckDrive, AlreadyConnected, intDrive

    ' Define vars
    Dim OWS, intReturn, objIE, strIETitle, objShell, k, objNetwork, intButton, blnConnected, sDialUpCmd, sResult

    ' define objects

    Set OWS = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

    intButton = OWS.Popup("Connect account to GovNet, are you sure?",5,"Connect to Dep of Gov ?",65)

    If intButton = 2 or intButton = -1 Then
    End if

    ' Run VPN link
    OWS.Run "rasphone.exe -d GovWire"

    Wscript.sleep 10000
    'Msgbox "just checking for srv002..."
    sDialUpCmd = "rasdial"
    blnConnected = 0

    ' Execute sDialUpCmd and get the output of sDialUpCmd into a text string

    sResult = CMDResults(sDialUpCmd)
    Msgbox sResult
    If InStr(1, Lcase(sResult), "no connections", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    'WScript.Echo "Not connected!"
    blnConnected = 0
    'WScript.Echo sResult
    blnConnected = 1
    End If
    'Msgbox "blnConnected ..."' & blnConnected
    Loop Until (blnConnected = 1)

    'Loop Until IsAlive("srv002")

    ' IF statement based on timer
    IF (strTimer) = "10000" THEN
    END IF

    '\\Msgbox "found GovNet..."

    OWS.Run "\\ser005\SYSVOL\Gov.Gov.Gov.au\scripts\Gov_logon.bat"

    Function CMDResults(cmdline)
    ' simple wrapper for command line you want
    ' to use while capturing output
    Dim oShell, oExCmd, oExCmdStdOut

    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set oExCmd = oShell.Exec(cmdline)
    Set oExCmdStdOut = oExCmd.StdOut
    Do: WScript.Sleep 10
    Do Until oExCmdStdOut.AtEndOfStream
    CmdResults = CmdResults & oExCmdStdOut.ReadAll
    Loop Until oExCmd.Status <> 0 and oExCmdStdOut.AtEndOfStream

    End Function

    Function IsConnect(strHost)
    ' Testing Connection to GovNet - looking for Wireless Connection.

    Const OpenAsASCII = 0
    Const FailIfNotExist = 0
    Const ForReading = 1
    Dim objShell, objFSO, TempRASCon, fFile
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    sTempFile = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2).ShortPath & "\" & objFSO.GetTempName
    objShell.Run "rasdial "..." & strHost & ">" TempRASCon, 0 , True
    Set fFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(TempRASCon, ForReading, FailIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII)
    Select Case InStr(fFile.ReadAll, "Connected")
    Case 0
    IsCon = False
    Case Else
    IsCon = True
    End Select
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objShell = Nothing

    End Function

  5. Have the same issue in my network. What I've done in the past, although not automated, is build a bat file that when double clicked will map all needed drives. I don't know of a way for GP to repush policies after already authenticating to the DC. You could maybe try a gpupdate /force but I doubt it will bring drives back without a logoff/logon.

    Thanks Mang.

    I'm thinking that I need to find the event that occurs when the NIC starts communiticating with the DC, like when the FQDN is located or some such. Then have something set against that trigger to activate a gpupdate / force or some kind of login script .vbs .kix .bat something.

  6. Howdy.

    Just got asked the question so I thought I'd ask you fine folk.

    Is there a way through Group Policy etc to do the following.

    Users login to a laptop without network connectivity. Cache Mode allows them to work.

    The Network connection comes live. We'd like to have their network drives come live without them needing to login / re-enter passwords.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?


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