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Posts posted by Bilou_Gateux

  1. I can change the variable to %WINCD% easily, but that raises something else I am not really clear about. When does that environment variable, if that's what it is, get set?

    [strings] section is used for variables ie


    1 = %DISK_DESC%,,,

    BRCM = "Broadcom"
    DISK_DESC = "Broadcom NetXtreme Installation Media"

  2. (Sorry, I'm not the first to create Lite version of Adobe Reader this time, but better now than never).

    Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 English Unattended Lite:

    Download here

    Size - 6.25 Mb, MD5Hash = 8d89537fd33a036effe6fa899d2f174f

    Hello Vid0

    Any chance to have a 7.0.9 Lite release?

    Full Official release here.

    In fact, i would like to have an installer which only let me select the destination dir (for correct path in registry), apply registry changes, and DON'T copy anything on %SystemDrive%. If someone know a good tutorial for MSI editing to achieve this goal, let me know.

    Don't want to upgrade to 8.x.x before a few months.

  3. Copy 'Drivers' folder content of QuickCam install CD somewhere on your hard disk:

    edit both files:


    [InstallShield Silent]
    File=Response File
    [File Transfer]

    edit this section in Drivers\Bin\DevInst.ini


    and you're done.

    only device drivers are installed with:


    if you want to:

    InstallMedusa = Logitech Video Enumerator

    InstallUMVPL = Logitech Video UMVPL kernel services

    InstallAec = Logitech Audio Echo Cancellation Component

    edit DevInst and remove leading ;

    run silent install with standard InstallShield switch:

    Drivers\Bin\setup.exe -s Drivers\Bin\setup.iss

    if you try to install on Windows Server 2003 OS, additional step is to

    copy winxp.Lst to winxp64.lst to avoid error message winxp64.lst file not found because 2003 server 5.2 is mis-identified as WinXP 64 5.2

  4. Install switch:

    /S				  -  silent install, must be in upper case.
    /NOIE - don't install IEFlash plugin into IE.
    /lang=xxx - flashfxp UI language, if not specified, default is English. See the following supported language names.
    /D=x:\xx - install location, this must be at the very end.

    Chinese Simplified
    Chinese Traditional
    European Portuguese

    Autoit register usage:

    copy your registration key and paste into the reg.ini file, just after the "key=", carriage returns must be removed from the key, somthing like


    After install FlashFXP, run the reg.exe to automatically enter registration info for you.

    Download Link:




    Upload time: 4th December 2006 - 05:52 AM

    File size: 3.80MB

    MD5 hash: 12D5C258F9C54D87A3568924089B912D

    Would you like to post a link to download only nsis script and autoit script.

    I would like to repackage an other application without silent install switch and need a good example.

  5. strange

    I've succesfully used a slightly different approach (using CMDLINES.TXT @t13/t12) without problems

    @T12 cmdlines.txt

    it works

    OEMBIOS Scanner v1.4.0 by Jeremy (xehqter)

    Reading BIOS Memory


    Checking Authenticity of OEMBIOS files

    OEMBIOS files pass Validation

    Copying d:\$oem$\FUJ\OEMBIOS.BIN : Successful

    Copying C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\OEMBIOS.BIN : Successful

    Copying d:\$oem$\FUJ\OEMBIOS.SIG : Successful

    Copying C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\OEMBIOS.SIG : Successful

    Copying d:\$oem$\FUJ\OEMBIOS.DAT : Successful

    Copying C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\OEMBIOS.DAT : Successful

    Importing d:\$oem$\FUJ\OEMBIOS.CAT : Successful

  6. %dospath%\$oem$\oemscan /d

    Did you wait long enough for the files to be copied....sometimes it can take a while

    I asume you are aware the /d switch forces oemscan to do a dry run (running it without actually copy the files)

    Yes, 10 mn in VMware guest. Not checked on real hardware.

    Yes, i use 2 commands in my cmd script:

    ::  OEMScan
    %dospath%\$oem$\OEMScan.exe /d >%systemroot%\temp\oemscan.log

    Using this method, i have a log file to debug issues.

  7. How about something like this? I was already experimenting with an nsis based installer.

    I like the skeleton of your post-install tool. Do you plan to develop it further?

    As a default feature, i would like the GUI to autoclose a few seconds after installation completed.

    How to write entry in .xml for an installer with quotes as parameters:

    vmware-mount-5.5.0-18463.exe /S /V"/qn"

    It's a msi wrapped in an installshield setup launcher exe.

  8. Done some check under my favourite virtualization software:


    launching @T39

    %dospath%\$oem$\oemscan /d

    OEMBIOS Scanner v1.4.0 by Jeremy (xehqter)

    Reading BIOS Memory

    Checking Authenticity of OEMBIOS files

    i get a blinking cursor and oemscan never finish copying oembios.* files.

    The same method with a XP install works flawlessy.

  9. http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServe...3.mspx?mfr=true
    In Windows Server 2003 SP1, user-mode access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is not permitted. All forms of access (read, write) are refused when the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is accessed from a user-mode application. Access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is refused regardless of the user context (Administrators, Users, Local System, etc.) the application is running in.

    Kernel-mode (driver) access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is unchanged for Windows Server 2003 SP1.

    There are no means to revert this changed behavior in Windows Server 2003 SP1.

    Seems oemscan would have to run in kernel-mode for a Server 2003 fix.



    Now i understand it's not a specific hardware issue but a Windows OS feature causing this error.

  10. @xehqter

    Please can you check your tool under 2003 Server OS

    I'm unable to make it work through UA install or from command prompt after install.

    OEMBIOS Scanner v1.3.1 by Jeremy (xehqter)

    Reading BIOS Memory

    Could not open \device\physicalmemory: Accès refusé.

    French 'Accès refusé'

    English 'Access denied'

    OS is Windows 2003 Server Standard R2

    Microsoft Windows [version 5.2.3790]
  11. If you use this command in winnt.sif [GuiUnattended] section, your batch is run from the CD

    both nircmd.exe and oemscan.bat are in your CD-ROM drive $oem$ folder.

    ;CD Based install
    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J NirCmd.exe exec hide oemscan.bat)))"

    (not sure if .bat works, maybe you have to rename it to .cmd)

    you canno't run whatever you want with the DetachedProgam and we canno't use quotes in the Arguments string.

    The best solution is to launch a script (.cmd) and put all the commands in this script.

    Previous posted cdromxp.cmd may works at early stage of install if you this line line:

    rem IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax

    and you get the CDROM variable.

    Post your current script to get more help.

  12. Try to add this code to your oemscan.bat

    :: Check Windows version and command line arguments
    IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
    IF NOT "%~1"=="" GOTO Syntax
    DISKPART.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO Syntax

    :: The actual command is a one liner
    FOR /F "tokens=3" %%A IN ('ECHO list volume ^| DISKPART.EXE ^| FIND.EXE "-ROM "') DO SET CDROM=%%A:

    :: Display the result

    :: Done

    ECHO CDROMXP.BAT, Version 1.00 for Windows XP
    ECHO Read the CD-ROM drive letter using Windows' DISKPART utility
    ECHO The last CD-ROM drive letter will be stored in the environment variable CDROM.
    ECHO This batch file may fail if any disk volume label ends with "-ROM".
    ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
    ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com

    :: Done
    IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO:EOF

    this one don't use tag file but is based of hardware detection.

  13. @Protocol7

    %dospath% variable is parsed from $winnt$.inf

    RIS dospath=c:\$win_nt$.~ls

    CD dospath=D:\

    @T39 stage files are read from the local HDD with a RIS based install and read from the CD/DVD with a CD based install.

    The command is detailled in Device Driver subforum: Drivers from CD: Simple Method.

    [GuiUnattended]AutoLogon = Yes

    EncryptedAdminPassword = No

    AdminPassword = *

    TimeZone = 105

    OEMSkipRegional = 1

    OemSkipWelcome = 1


    ;CD Based install

    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J NirCmd.exe exec hide Drivers.cmd)))"

    you can try to change the Product Key @T39 in $WINNT$.INF with a drivers.cmd script:


    :: Set Current Drive as CD
    CD /D "%~dp0"
    :: Set Drivers Location Folder
    SET DRV=Drivers
    :: Install Drivers
    .\CopyInf.exe "%SystemDrive%\%DRV%"
    :: SLP copy
    ::// this code is just a sample (not checked)
    nircmd.exe inisetval %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF "UserData" "ProductKey" "~qXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX~q"


    the code is just an example to customize. You can check the Manufactuter first with OEMSCAN to write the correct Manufacturer SLP ProductKey in $WINNT$.INF.

  14. You can send me a PM with a valid E-Mail and i will send you the Broadcom NetExtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter inf and sys file i'm using on my RIS Server 2003.

    I have used it for all my dc7600 deployments.

    Extract inf_i386folder.zip in \\<RISSERVER>\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\WIN51IP.SP2\i386

    the standard b57win32.inf file includes changes as the example posted here

    Extract b57win32.cab to \\<RISSERVER>\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\WIN51IP.SP2\\$OEM$\$1\Drivers

    b57win32.cab includes DriverVer = 04/05/2005, downloaded from hp




    Put a copy of b57xp32.sys in \\<RISSERVER>\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\WIN51IP.SP2\i386


    DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
    NtUpgrade = No
    Win9xUpgrade = No
    OemPreinstall = yes
    FileSystem = LeaveAlone
    ExtendOEMPartition = 0
    TargetPath = \WINDOWS
    OemSkipEula = yes
    InstallFilesPath = "\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%"
    LegacyNIC = 1
    OemPnPDriversPath = "\drivers"

    Stop and restart Remote Installation (BINLSVC). To do so, click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the text field, and click OK. In the console window, type the following:

    Net Stop BINLSVC

    Net Start BINLSVC

  15. Thanks for posting this.

    I tried the parameter

    SMBIOS.reflectHost = "TRUE"

    on VMware-workstation.

    Without this parameter the VM appears like this:

    When I added it it looks like this

    Do I miss something here?



    Welcome Ulli. Thanks for all the efforts you put on your website www.sanbarrow.com

    You don't miss anything. You're simply don't have a branded computer (HP, Fujitsu-Siemens, Maxdata ...) but an home made box. Your motherboard is probably an Asus or MSI or Gigabyte...

    As i don't own a VMware Workstation license, i'm happy you've checked this setting with your's. the screen cap shows the setting also works with VMware Workstation.

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