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  1. It's only when you connect the HDD via SATA directly to the Mobo, but it would mean it's NOT external anymore. It's internal.
    4 points
  2. UPD: finally I have fixed that problem, and 66cats confirmed it in our private messaging. AV1 decoding works fine for him now. additional problem was in thread synchronization handling on his multicore type of CPU. So anyone can test fixed version: https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/download/v1.2/chrome-xpapi-adapter.5062.3.for.testing.zip and I will create final optimized build later.
    3 points
  3. No, wrong, it depends on the year of manufacture. I had dozens of such 4TB drives made by WD, produced somewhere in 2014 - 2015. All worked as intended.
    3 points
  4. What makes you think I didn't understand? You wrote "external". External ones always worked because they were meant to - by using a conversion chip on-board.
    3 points
  5. The most recent release with its archive file Thorium_SSE2_122.0.6261.171_WINXP_x32.zip does not run well on my system. Mainly because the provided progwrp.dll does not support hardware acceleration on my hardware. It is not able to activate it. Thus, I replaced this by IDA-RE-things' Chrome XP API Adapter which at least enables a bit hardware acceleration. The reason for "only a bit" is that, although GPU rasterisation can be enabled, it doesn't work as it should. It does exactly the opposite, it slows everything down. So I have to switch it off and use the software rasterisation instead.
    3 points
  6. It's an overkill, I'd stick with 25-40W max. 60w is usually used only when it's hard to melt, like PSU board or smth like that. And don't forget to ground it!
    2 points
  7. jaclaz, you're absolutely right, no doubt. The problem is - that person originally wrote about external HDD in boxes, which are (and you know it perfectly fine) absolutely different matter due to the onboard chip that emulates sectors for XP, just like again we explained. We probably need to pin it up to avoid further confusing posts like from that person. Related matter is, starting somewhere in 2017(?) they ceased to make such external boxes, the disk and its contents is fully visible when connected via SATA directly to a Vista machine, but not visible in XP anymore, of course. XP suggests to format it.
    2 points
  8. DirectAccess is the latest feature to hit the list of deprecated features in Windows client and server editions. For those unfamiliar, DirectAccess was introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 as a new method for clients to connect to their corporate networks without installing a VPN. However, with time, Microsoft developed new network capabilities to improve the experience, and now it is ready to replace DirectAccess with a better alternative. According to the official documentation, Microsoft suggests migrating from DirectAccess to Always On VPN: DirectAccess is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windows. We recommend migrating from DirectAccess to Always On VPN. Microsoft has a dedicated page that describes why users should move from DirectAccess to Always On VPN and how IT admins can implement the change. You can check it out on the official Microsoft Learn website. Besides DirectAccess and NTLM, in 2024, Microsoft deprecated Driver Verifier GUI, NPLogonNotify and NPPPasswordChangeNotify APIs, TLS server authentication with short RSA keys, and Test Base for Microsoft 365. As a reminder, deprecated and removed features are not the same. Components that are no longer in active development may remain in the operating system for a while and even continue to work. However, they do not receive new functionality or fixes. Eventually, Microsoft deletes them from Windows, as was the case with WordPad, which is no longer part of the upcoming Windows 11 version 24H2 update. You can track the list of deprecated features in client Windows versions here. Recently, we also published a list of features Microsoft no longer develops in Windows Server 2025, so check it out here. Source: Taras Buria · Jun 11, 2024 17:22 EDT · HOT!6 https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-to-remove-directaccess-from-windows-recommends-switching-to-always-on-vpn/
    1 point
  9. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20240615-3219d2d-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20240615-3219d2d-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20240615-3219d2d-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod-ia32.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32 NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240615-d849524bd-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod.7z Win32 IA32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240615-d849524bd-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod-ia32.7z Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240615-d849524bd-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod-sse.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win64-git-20240615-d849524bd-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod.7z Official UXP changes picked since my last build: - Issue #2524 - Implement smart granularity for canvas poisoning. (359a4a2069) - Issue #2522 - Part 1: Alias small, large, and dynamic viewport units to base viewport (5c06335c5b) - Issue #2522 - Part 2: Implement support for logical viewport units (2ba31f4e97) - [network] Perform a case-insensitive match on special cookie prefixes. (bfb171c783) - [network] Avoid accessing raw pointers in nsTransportEventSinkProxy. (bcdf7dc845) - [uri] Fix issues with external protocol handlers. (a09accc204) - [DOM] Clone video info properly. (a2417d573b) - [toolkit] Close autocomplete popup when window is resized. (b4caa69a9c) - [js gc] Suppress GC during JSObject::swap (40c9102d6d) - [uri] Implement additional filename checks. (9c8bd37fe5) - [layout] Initialize PerSpanData members mBaseline and mReflowInput. (0e05cb9630) No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build. No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build. My changes picked since my last build: - Revert "PR #2514 - Don't split up happy emoji sequences" (97db731ae7) - Revert part of #2492 and replace it with mozilla one. (ff8673e87e) - ported from mozilla: Bug 1819025 - Don't consider following join-controls when determining whether a space is collapsible. r=emilio (fad4426b7b) (854fac5c4c) - nss: update nssckbi to 2.68 (b794ec0afd) - layout: fix corrupted unicode in comments, no code change (36bc963804) Update Notice: - You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases. * Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.
    1 point
  10. @tekkaman JFYI, the advantages of aligning (one way or the other) is (largely) bul*****. If "everything" is aligned (NTFS is inherently aligned, FAT 16/32 are usually not) then there some (slight) advantages, actually only noticeable on slow bus or slow devices (such as USB 2.0 devices) on a relatively fast bus (like SATA 3) they are negligible (for traditional rotating hard disks, which also tend to have largish caches) while it is a very good idea to align to multiple of the sector AND of the memory page for SSD's. Check: http://reboot.pro/index.php?showtopic=9897&p=85960 https://msfn.org/board/topic/154633-partition-boundary-alignment-in-4096-byte-physical-sector-drives/ jaclaz
    1 point
  11. As long as the VPN connection is good, then yeah. Google added a VPN to Android and it's always on. (You can toggle it off if needed) I leave it on and have no issues. Pixel 8 Pro
    1 point
  12. Only to (hopefully) clear the matter. The 2.2 Tb original limit depends on the 32-bit size of the MBR partition table that sets at 2^32-1=4,294,967,295 the max number of sectors accessible.[1] If the disk exposes 512 bytes/sector the limit is then 2.2 Tb. If the disk exposes 4Kb/sector size (so-called "Native 4k" disks) the limit is 8 times that much. What a number of USB external enclosures (the controllers in them) do is to expose on the USB connection the disk as if it was a Native 4k one, i.e. it makes the XP believe that the disk has 4 kb/sector, thus allowing to use "normal" 512 bytes/sector disks of much larger sizes than 2.2. Tb. The chosen method of alignment (to the cylinder up to XP, to the Mb on Vista and later) is unrelated. jaclaz [1] only for the record, at the time I devised a partitioning schema with two (or more) partitions that allowed to use MBR disks up to (almost) 4.4 Tb, but (a few) actual tests led to the conclusion that while the schema did work on later OS (7 at least) it did not work on XP due to some other limitation (still 32 bit related) in system files.
    1 point
  13. If those are ready-made boxes, why wouldn't they? Those include a chip which makes all conversions on the fly. The question is, would they work (be seen with files), if removed from that boxes and connected directly, most likely - no.
    1 point
  14. You're welcome! Personally, I prefer the portable version: https://github.com/smplayer-dev/smplayer/releases/download/v24.5.0/smplayer-portable- But once again. The outer shell, SMPlayer, has been updated again and again, but neither mplayer nor mpv, i.e. the heart of the SMPlayer. Simply put, it's great on the outside, but a bit of a bummer on the inside. This is the real problem for Windows XP users.
    1 point
  15. Without hardware acceleration, the Thorium browser is nearly unusable on my weak hardware. Websites take ages to load completely, and videos cannot be played at all.
    1 point
  16. I don't have 9 series, and I always disable acceleration because more and more videos are now AV1 or HEVC 10bit. To sum it up, anyone with older video cards (below 2014) needs to disable it, too. Not sure if the developer would even bother himself with the testings on relics.
    1 point
  17. Sup. I find interesting that all the things u propose or have made, were already done. https://www.smplayer.info/ SMPlayer can do all the stuff (well, with the mix of alternatives sources of youtube-dl and yt-dlp mentioned here, since WinXP drop support and the creator of SMPlayer hasn't update the sources). It's a mix of mplayer, ffmpeg, and other open source stuff. It's not like VLC, but close, and with a plugin already made for youtube, SMtube https://www.smtube.org/ FIrst u need to install SMplayer. Second, the SMTube plugin. SMPlayer tries to download yt-dlp or youtube-dl but yt-dlp does not work since the exe is from the official sources. youtube-dl is an outdated version and doesnt work either. We need to download updated versions of yt-dlp and/or youtube-dl mentioned by @VistaLover in this same thread (both if u want). Then, we need to copy one or both exes to... C:\Documents and Settings\usernamegoeshere\.smplayer ...after a first run of the program. After that, in config, u need to define resolution and what downloader you'll use. DONT UPDATE WITH THE PROGRAM (you already did that :p) SMTube works like a browser, that links to a couple of sources for YT search (tonvid.com and other one...really sus.). You just search the video, click, and then SMPlayer opens right away. After a while the video starts (needs to download a bit of the file, i guess). If VLC is executed instead of SMPlayer, u need to change player priority in the config of SMTube. That's it! If u need screenshots of everything let me know. Tested and working in WinXP (with a 1.6 Ghz Atom, 2 GB of ram, and a normal HDD). i'm not affiliated with the creator, just an average user. Cheers!
    1 point
  18. TBH, I asked you whether syncing in Thorium works although it is a Chromium browser. Actually, it shouldn't work as Google is supposed to not allow this anymore. So, my question was totally on topic.
    1 point
  19. Ok. I do not use any sync features. As far as I know, Google has restricted its sync feature and excluded Chromium Browser. This means that synchronisation should actually no longer be possible in the Chromium browsers Supermium and Thorium, either. Is it really possible there in these days? In any case, there is not a single feature that would make me use a browser like Google Chrome that fills me up with adverts from start to finish.
    1 point
  20. What trends? I think there are no real trends. Many here are quite volatile, rather wavering. Spoken for me only, I will continue to observe the development of Thorium. It runs quite well on my old box except for media playback. But New Moon 28 remains my main browser there and finally again Mypal 68 in version 68.14.2b, which runs really well now. And on the subject of dying, personally, I am a genuine Windows XP die-hard fan. I'll probably always be one, come what may.
    1 point
  21. Both use flash memory chips. Drives which use flash memory chips are logically flash drives even when the term flash drive is often used for a USB stick in the English language but not in the German language. But the question was actually a completely different one. That's just a side issue.
    1 point
  22. I usually do not use the YouTube interface in New Moon 28 or other browsers under Windows XP. It was just an experiment to see whether it is possible at all on my underperforming, old machine in these days. And it is still possible and above all, without ads or anti-adblocker messages. As I already said, I normally send YouTube links to one of my external players or download them with one of my YouTube downloaders. For watching them in legacy browsers under Windows XP I use Invidious or the extension uTube.
    1 point
  23. YouTube videos in their native interface in New Moon 28 on low-performance computers in 2024 I made an experiment. Watching YouTube videos on their native interface in New Moon 28 in May 2024, all on my very weak hardware with Intel Pentium 4 single-core processor and only 1.5 GB SD-RAM. I reset my mod uBlock Origin Legacy and activated only some further default lists (Adguard Base, uBlock Annoyances, BPCF + script and my German locale filter lists). Additionally, I installed seven YouTube scripts from Greasyfork to get rid of crap and to style YouTube to my needs. I created one additional rule to cut off all comments when playing a single video. YouTube is completely free of ads. Videos are playing fine without any comments and playlists, isolated in single tabs in 360p quality. Always with autoplay off as I don't like such automatisms. Higher quality does not work well in browsers on my system. In any case, pure YouTube without any ads, ad blocker warnings or other crap. Perhaps, I should mention at this point that I normally never watch videos in browsers on my old Windows XP computer, but in an external player directly or downloaded beforehand. Then I am able to watch videos in 480p or sometimes even in 720p quality. Sometimes, however, I watch very rarely YouTube videos in New Moon 28 with the help of the great extension uTube. Here are two screenshots taken from YouTube in New Moon 28 when all configurations have been done: My new homepage of YouTube only for searching videos (Bye, bye unwanted videos ): And here is a tab when playing a single video: All is loaded relatively fast on my old machine. One of the installed scripts let me select the size of the player myself. Here it is set to the 480p size. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  24. A bit off-topic is no problem. But keep in mind I created this thread to be no longer off-topic in @roytam1 thread regarding YouTube Downloaders! But that conversely should not mean losing sight of the goal of this thread. Talking about a browser that you can't really use because it's not available to the public makes no sense at all in this thread and is totally off-topic. Please, contribute within the generously set framework of the topic of this thread! Here, we want to know all about YouTube using under Windows XP in these days. Thanks in advance! Greetings, AstroSkipper
    1 point
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